Designed by Engin A. Sungur

Lesson 4:


This fourth lesson covers ...


After completing this lesson, you should be able to

Reading Assignment

Read chapter 4 in Introduction to the Practice of Statistics.


The Detailed Learning Objectives

Chapter 4

4.1 Probability Models 4.2 Random Variables 4.3 Mean and Variances of Random Variables 4.4 Probability Laws

Key Terms

Chapter 4: Study Questions

  1. What is the difference between sample space and event?
  2. What is the difference between disjoint events and independent events?
  3. What are complement, addition and multiplication rules?
  4. What does a probability distribution of a random variable give us?
  5. What is the difference between discrete and continuous random variables?
  6. What is the density curve?
  7. What is the Normal distribution?
  8. What is the mean and standard deviation of a random variable?
  9. What is conditional probability?
  10. What is the use of Bayes's rule?

Chapter 4: Study Notes

A phenomenon is random if
  1. individual outcome is uncertain
  2. there is a regular distribution of outcomes in a large number of repetitions
Examples Toss a coin, choose a random sample

Probability of any outcome of a random phenomenon is the proportion of times the outcome would occur in a very long series of repetitions.
Here is how it is done historically:
The Person who Tossed the CoinNumber of TossesNumber of HeadsRelative Frequency
Buffon (naturalist) Coin404020482048/4040=0.5069
Pearson (statistician)240001201212012/24000=0.5005
Kerrich (mathematician, in prison)1000050675067/10000=0.5067

Note that if we go with this definition of probability one should be able to repeat the exreiment under the same condition many times. Do you think that it is possible to do this for all the cases? For example, you need to figure out the probability that you will pass this course. How would you figure this probability? The definition given above is the one that is introduced by the school of probabilist who are relative frequenist. Other approach to the probability is known as personal probability or subjective probability approach. This school believes that a probability is assigned to an event based on subjective judgement, experience, information, and belief.
Whichever appraoch one selects to use there should be a common framework. In section 4.2 we will develop this common framework.


We start with an experiment and define the following:
Sample Space is the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment, which is represented by S.
Event is any subset of the sample space. In other words it a any combination of possible outcomes of the experiment. Generally, they are represented by capital letters, such as A, B, C, ....

Here are some examples:

Experiment: Toss a coin one time
Sample Space: S={H,T}
An Event: A=getting a head={H}

Experiment: Toss a coin three times
An Event: A="getting two heads"={THH,HTH,HHT}
Another event could be
B="longest run of tails being 2"={TTH,HTT}

Sometimes a "tree" could help us to understand the sample space better.
Experiment: Flip a coin if head occurs flip it for the second time. If tail occurs toss a die.
Sample Space: S={HH,HT,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6}
An Event: A="getting a 3 the die"={T3}
Note that, I did not put A={3}, because 3 is not the element of the sample space.

Experiment: Select a number between 0 and 1
Sample Space: S={all numbers between 0 and 1}
An Event: A="selecting a number less than or equal to the median"={all numbers between or equal to 0 and 0,5}


Let us start with the first two rules. These rules help us to end up with legitimate values for the probabilities:
Rule 1: P(A) is always between 0 and 1.
Rule 2: P(S)=1

Here are the steps for assigning probability to an event:
  1. Define the experiment
  2. List all possible outcomes
  3. Assign probabilities to each outcome
  4. Determine the outcomes in the event, say A
  5. Sum the outcome probabilities that are in the event A.

Experiment: taking a course on statistics
the sample space gives us the possible grades.
Based on the past experience the following probabilities are assigned to the outcomes of this experiment:

PROBABILITY0. 0.10.05?

The "?" should be 0.05 by the Rule 2.
Say we want to find the probability that a student will get C or better.
H="getting C or better"={A,B,C}

Finding a probability of an event gets easier. if the sample space includes finite number of outcomes and these outcomes are eqaually likely to occur. Please note that not all sample spaces has equally likely outcomes.
Suppose that there are k possible outcomes, and outcomes are equally likely, then
  1. Probability of each outcome=1/k
  2. P(A)=(Number of outcomes in A)/k






Venn Diagram

Complement of an event A

The event that A does not occur



Intersection of A and B

Both A and B occur at the same time

A or B


Union of A, B

Either A or B or both occurs

At least one of the events A, B occurs

A and B



For the other rules of probability we need to distinguish three cases:

Note that being disjoint is a property of events itself, but being independent is a property of the probability of events.

Here is the summary of all the rules





Rule 3.

Complement Rule




Rule 4.

Addition Rule

P(A or B)=

P(A)+P(B)-P(A and B)

P(A or B)=


P(A or B)=


Rule 5.

Multiplication Rule

P(A and B)=


P(A and B)=


P(A and B)=


Note that general multiplication rule uses conditional probability. To understand this concept better please work on the activity LET US ROLL A DIE. Here is the formal definition of the conditional probability.

Definition The conditional probability of B given A is:

P(B|A)=P(A and B)/P(A)

Note that for independent events



There are two types of questions that one might face related with the independence

  1. You are given that the events are independent and asked to find the probability that all of these events will occur at the same time. In this case you multiply the individual probabilities.
  2. Based on the information given verify whether two events A and B are independent or not. Here you need to check whether or not P(A and B) equal to P(A)P(B). Or you can also check whether or not P(A|B) equal to P(A).


To be able to understand the importance of rule one should know the difference between the events A|B and B|A, and one should be aware of the fact that the difficulty of obtaining information on probability of occurrence of these two events may not be the same. For example let A="the person has AIDS", B="the HIV test turns out to be positive". Suppose that you are researcher. Which one of the two is easier to find through experiments P(A|B) or P(B|A)?

If you would like to have more information on "How to Solve Problems Related with Probability?" and "Use of Probability Trees and Bayes's Rule", please click on anywhere on this sentence.

Most of the time Bayes's rule is applied to "testing" problem. Here is an example:

In one of Marilyn Savant's columns in parade Magazine the following question was asked.

Suppose we assume that 5% of the people are drug-users. The test is 95% accurate, which we'll say means that if a person is a user, the result is positive 95% of the time; and if s/he isn't, it's negative 95% of the time. A randomly chosen person tests positive. Is the individual highly likely to be a drug-user?

Marilyn's answer was:

Given your condition, once the person has tested positive, you may as well flip a coin to determine whether she of he is a drug-user. The chances are only 50-50.

If you are having a hard time understanding why, please click on any where on this sentence.

If you would like to see another case where Marilyn was right again, please try the activity TO SWITCH OR NOT TO SWITCH.


RANDOM VARIABLE: is a variable whose value is a numerical outcome of a random phenomenon.

There are two types of random variables

  1. Discrete Random Variables: These are the ones which takes coutable number of possible values
  2. Continuous Random Variables: These can assume any value in one or more intervals.

Notation: X,Y,Z represent the random variable, x,y.z represent possible values of the random variable.

Here are some examples:

Probability Distribution of a Discrete Random Variable lists all possible values and their probabilities.

Here are some important things that you should be able to do:

When finding mean, variance, and standard deviation of a discrete random variable, constructing a table like the one below may help.



Possible values, xi

Probability, pi

xi pi



(xi-mX)2 pi

Sum of this column=m=


Sum of this column=s2


Written Assignment

Do the following assignment. The problems listed are from "Introduction to the Practice of Statistics". When you have worked on the problems and are ready to turn in your findings, click the assignment link below. It will take you to a template where you can fill in your answers to the questions. When you are finished entering your answers, click the submit button, you will be given the location of your completed web page. You may check your assignment responses with your browser at any time, and submit a revision at any time before the due date of the assignment. The due date is Wednesday August 4..

SECTION 4.1.Exercise 4.3 (page 293)
SECTION 4.2.Exercises 4.11, 4.15, 4.21, 4.25, 4.31, 4.33 (pages 306-312)
SECTION 4.3.Exercises 4.41, 4.45 (pages 323, 324)
SECTION 4.4.Exercise 4.63 (page 343)
SECTION 4.5.Exercises 4.79, 4.87, 4.89, (page 360-363)

Lesson Submission 4

Assignment #4.

Internet Links

Each day you go online, be sure to check out the Random Statistical Quote for the Day