Stevens County Technology Needs Assessment Survey 2000 |
Progress Report |
Prepared by
Jon E. Anderson Professor of Statistics |
Engin A. Sungur Professor of Statistics |
Lisa Thackeray Student |
Laura Eisenmenger Student |
Stevens County Economic Improvement Commission & University of Minnesota, Morris Morris, Minnesota |
November, 2000
II. Survey Design and Data Collection
III. Statistical Analysis of the Surveys
III.A. Statistical Analysis of Part 1.
III.B. Statistical Analysis of Part 2.
Electronic Relationships With Suppliers:
A.1. List of Businesses/Organizations Selected for Interview
This progress report provides information on the Stevens County Technology Needs Assessment Survey 2000. The study is sponsored by the Stevens County Economic Improvement Commission and developed under the coordination of the Stev ens County Technology Transfer Task Force. It is the investigators' intention that the results presented in this report will open a discussion, and lead to further analyses. Insight from the Task Force members and community leaders will play an important role in further analyses and interpretation of results.
The study aimed to determine the current use of technologies in the county and to project future needs. The surveys also promoted a knowledge transfer and sharing by asking questions to current users on the problems faced during the selection and i mplementation of the technologies. Also, the data collection process included a stage for informing the businesses and organizations on new technologies. For this purpose a detailed handout on definitions and examples of technologies was prepared and dist ributed during the survey data collection.
In this study two survey instruments were used. The first survey design had thirty-three pages and included background questions, and questions about existing and future usage of various technologies. This survey included detailed questions on the thirty-two technologies defined by the investigators. The second survey was shorter, and contained all the basic information except the detailed questions on various technology-related topics. Analysis presented in this report is based on forty responses to the long survey and ninety-eight responses to the short survey.
Our first analysis of the data leads us to make the observations given here. We hope these will prompt discussion, debate, and motivate further questions for analysis.
At the next stage of the study, the investigators aim to get input from the Task Force members that might lead to formation of other research questions that need to be examined to better understand the results. This process will enhance the upcomin g decision making stage.
The Stevens County Economic Improvement Commission (SCEIC), Inc., in partnership with the Stevens County Technology Transfer Task Force (a group of 24 business, education, and government organizations from throughout Stevens County) soug ht to assess the current and potential technology needs of the businesses, organizations, and individuals in the Stevens County.
There were several reasons motivating this study. These reasons included:
This report presents a detailed description of the project survey design, implementation and statistical analysis of the surveys.
II. Survey Design and Data Collection
To determine the target population of the study a list of all the businesses in Stevens County has been obtained. This list formed a base for determination of the possible contacts that the information could be gathered. To be able to de sign the survey a list of possible technologies was created by considering different economic sectors in the county. Once the list was determined definitions and examples for the each technology were researched and a handout to be shared with the target g roup was prepared. This handout had several purposes:
to familiarize researchers about technologies
to inform businesses on possible technologies that they might consider in the future.
Basic definitions and examples on technologies were dropped off during the implementation of the surveys.
Based on the preliminary analysis of technology needs, a survey was developed. The survey covered questions about employees, future business changes, and other business component questions, all with regard to technology. These questions were on the first two pages of the survey. The remaining pages were devoted to the list of technologies mentioned earlier. Each item on that list had its own page in the survey. For each of the terms, a series of the similar questions were devised. Nine busine sses were chosen to "test" the survey on, in order to determine a probable business reactions or questions. Businesses on the list were contacted and asked to participate in the survey. Only four businesses were willing to participate in this trial run. A sample survey was then dropped off, along with the list of terms and definitions, and an appointment was scheduled where an interviewer could administer the survey. The reason for using an interviewer as opposed to letting someone in the business f ill it out, was so that any extra information that may have been neglected could be recorded for possible analysis. Also -since this was a trial basis survey- any comments, questions, or reactions could be observed by an interviewer and considered in the revision of the final survey.
In the revision of the survey minimal changes of wording were done to make certain questions easier to understand. One of the concerns of the businesses surveyed in the trial run was the time it took to complete the survey. Survey designers didn 46;t see any way to shorten the survey without losing crucial information. The overall structure of the survey is summarized below:
1. Background Information
This section of the survey aimed to obtain background information on size, type of organization or industry, service area, most recent technologies that had been incorporated, difficulties on attracting employees, anticipated ch ange in skills and qualifications of employees, changing structure of the businesses, and familiarity with the developing technology trends.
2. Assessment of Technology Usage & Needs
This section of the survey was used to obtain information on specific individual technologies. For each specific technology, the following procedure was used to obtain information:
a) Do they currently use this particular technology? The possible answers to this question were yes, no, or unfamiliar with the technology.
*) If the response is yes, then we proceeded to find out how it was being used, to what extent, how was this technology obtained? What changes/improvements or developments did they anticipate in the next five years? What advice or problems can be offer ed to others? These subjects provided an inventory of technologies being used, a resource for possible collaborations, a list of providers of resources used, and a list of potential problems in implementation.
*) If the response is that they didn't use it but were aware of the technology, we tried to find out why it was not used. What were the obstacles or barriers to implementing it. These organizations provided useful information about the potential demand pool for this technology.
*) If the response is that they didn't know what that particular technology was, or not aware of it, we provided definitions and examples.
The next step taken was to distribute the survey to a sample of the population. In the study the population consisted of all of the businesses in Stevens County. A random sample seventy-nine businesses from the list of the county s businesses was taken (see section A.1.). The long survey was distributed the same way as the trial survey. On the list, there were only 3 businesses that couldnt be found. Like the trial survey, the response wasnt as expected. Larger businesses and business that are part of a larger corporation (i.e. Chains) were the most willing to do the survey. There also seemed to be a good response from the health service businesses. Also, government related organizations were willing to schedule a time to be interviewed. Those reluctant to participate in the survey seemed to be the smaller or privately owned businesses and also construction firms. The construction firms were difficult to get a hold of. The few that were contacted had a common re sponse of not having time to do the survey.
From the list of 79 businesses selected to distribute the surveys to, only 40 were willing to participate in this long form survey. Many people seemed reluctant to do the survey because it took about an hour to fill out, depending on the level of t echnology a business had. There were a select few who just didnt want to do the survey, due to lack of interest or lack of employees to cover while someone was interviewed. Smaller businesses and proprietorships that dont use much technology w ere perhaps the most reluctant to participate in the survey. The main response from these firms was that this survey didnt apply to them. Of those that participated, the interviewer went through the survey and asked all of the questions. Besides ask ing the printed questions, any observations or information volunteered by the interviewee that wasnt asked by the survey were written down by the interviewer. The form of the survey was such that for the first page (front and back) the same question s about the business aspects with regard to technology were asked. The remaining pages were about the technology terms. So, either the business had/used the technology, didnt use it, or were unfamiliar as to what that particular technology was. Each of those three different responses had a series of different follow up questions that were asked by the interviewer (see Appendix C, page 2). There werent many firms that said they were unfamiliar with any of the technologies inquired about. But an y that did either looked at the definition sheet, or the interviewer explained what that technology was. Several people seemed to know what certain technologies are, or have heard of them. When they answered no to usage of a particular technology the main reason given was the technology doesnt apply to their business. In most cases this was true, but a few business seemed to have only heard of the technologies, but werent familiar with what they actually did or could do. This was a good chance to educate a business about technologies available to them. Not all technologies inquired about apply to all businesses, so it was the interviewer's responsibility to select and explain the ones that are suitable.
At this point there were 40 surveys to be considered for an analysis (53% response rate). To be able to collect more information, a shorter version of the survey was developed. From this point on, the 33 page survey will be referred as the "long su rvey." The short survey needed to cover the same ideas as the long survey. To achieve this objective the first page kept same, but the format of the remaining pages had been changed. A checklist format is used for the thirty-two terms. The first question had to do with current use of the technology. So, they could either check yes (they use that technology), no (they dont use it), or unfamiliar (i.e. they arent familiar with that technology). The second question is about future use of that par ticular technology. The business could answer either yes (they want to use the technology in the future) or no (they are not planning on integrating that technology in the future). At the bottom of this page there was a space for any comments, suggestions , etc a business might have had. The last section didnt really prove to help in the study, since only 2-3 businesses commented on anything.
The short survey consisted of only 2 pages. On average, it took about 10 minutes to fill out. The first page is, as mentioned earlier, the same as the first page of the long survey. The second page had the checklist of current/future technologies o n one side, and a special business mail reply code printed on the other side. When copies were run off at the University of Minnesota duplicating services, a special template was used so that the survey could be folded in half, taped, and simply placed in the mail. The address of one of the researchers was printed with the template, as well as a stamp box with postage paid by addressee printed on it. On this template was a scannable code, which allowed post office workers to charge any of the surveys mail ed back to an account set up through the University of Minnesota post office.
To save on postage costs and gather data more quickly researchers either called or stopped at a business to ask for participation. It makes sense to point out now that the population sampled from for the short survey was different than the list of 75 from the long survey. Basically, all businesses in Stevens County were approached with a short survey, except for the businesses that couldnt be located, businesses that were shut down, or businesses which had already done the long survey. Businesses who were visited as opposed to called seemed more apt to agree to fill out the survey. But, on occasion, places that were called would do a phone interview on the spot.
When the businesses were visited, manager was asked for and the researcher would describe what the survey was about. For this study, the interviewer or researcher would either drop the survey and definition sheet off to be picked up later or to be filled out and mailed back. Otherwise, some of the businesses filled out the survey on the first interviewers visit. In this case, the interviewer usually filled out the first page by asking a business manager, or an employee familiar with technolog y used, the questions. It was more convenient to let the employee or manager fill out the second page. The number of responses to the short survey was 98. There was a better response for the short survey then the long survey. Picking up or mailing back th e surveys gave the best response. For the short survey, there was still a sparse number of construction firms. The problem here, again, was getting a hold of someone in the business. The majority of short surveys were from the smaller businesses, much lik e those that werent interested in participating in the long survey. There were very few big businesses left in the county to approach with the short surveys, so the majority of those businesses had already been interviewed by the long survey. There also werent many health care firms in the 98 that responded to the short survey. Best reply was from smaller businesses that providing services. Almost half of the businesses that participated came from these types of businesses.
There were only two vehicle service stations that participated. This number is less than half of the total number of service stations in Stevens county. This is perhaps due to either lack of employees in the firms, or just unwillingness to partic ipate. The short surveys were dropped off at these businesses, but were not sent back to the researchers. Some other types of businesses that didnt participate were Laundromats, smaller cafes, and plumbing and heating firms. None of the Laundromats visited had any workers there. The surveys were dropped off at the business, but none of these places replied back. Donnelly businesses were also not common among those surveyed. Although contacted, they were unwilling to participate. One last business ty pe from which there was a small response from was trucking and towing firms. These businesses were very difficult to locate, and get a hold of, which explains the low response.
The distribution of number of responses to different types is given in the following table.
Survey Type |
Frequency |
Percent |
Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Long Survey |
40 |
29.0 |
40 |
29.0 |
Short Survey by Interviewer |
71 |
51.4 |
111 |
80.4 |
Short Survey by Mail |
12 |
8.7 |
123 |
89.1 |
Short Survey by Observation |
9 |
6.5 |
132 |
95.7 |
Short Survey Picked up |
6 |
4.3 |
138 |
100.0 |
Table II.1. Number of responses for each survey type
Figure II.1. Number of responses for each survey type
III. Statistical Analysis of the Surveys
III.A. Statistical Analysis of Part 1.
The following tables provide information on the survey type, type of organization, areas served, size of firms, percent of technology workforce needed.
Area |
Percent |
Stevens and Neighboring Counties |
62.0 |
Stevens County |
15.3 |
Minnesota and Neighboring States |
5.8 |
Central Minnesota |
5.1 |
Minnesota |
3.6 |
Morris |
3.6 |
National |
2.9 |
International |
1.5 |
Table III.A.1. Area served by businesses and organizations
Economic Sector |
Percent of Respondents |
Agriculture |
2.2 |
Construction |
1.0 |
Manufacturing |
5.8 |
Wholesale Trade |
3.6 |
Retail Trade |
26.2 |
Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate |
13.8 |
Services |
39.5 |
Government |
8.0 |
Table III.A.2. Type of economic sectors surveyed
Familiarity |
Percent |
Somewhat Familiar |
51.1 |
Very Familiar |
28.9 |
Somewhat Unfamiliar |
17.0 |
Very Unfamiliar |
3.0 |
Table III.A.3. Familiarity with technology developments in businesses like theirs
Figure III.A.1. Familiarity with technology developments in businesses like theirs
The size of firms that participated in our survey ranged from 1 to 350 employees, with the median size of six employees.
Technology |
Percent Currently Using |
Percent Usage in Future, for Those not currently Using |
Percent Usage Now or in Future |
66.4 |
63.0 |
89.9 |
Internet Access |
62.0 |
61.5 |
84.8 |
Telephone Services |
60.6 |
24.1 |
69.6 |
Database Usage |
60.6 |
22.2 |
68.8 |
Employee Training |
59.9 |
16.4 |
65.9 |
Web Pages |
39.4 |
41.0 |
63.7 |
Wireless |
36.5 |
33.7 |
57.2 |
High Speed Access |
27.7 |
42.7 |
57.2 |
Software Knowledge |
54.7 |
6.5 |
57.2 |
E-Supplier Relationship |
34.3 |
32.6 |
55.0 |
Fiber Optic Line |
7.3 |
50.4 |
52.9 |
Office Networks |
43.1 |
14.1 |
51.0 |
Business Software Int. |
45.3 |
10.8 |
51.0 |
E-Customer Service |
24.1 |
31.1 |
47.1 |
Youth Interns |
40.1 |
12.2 |
47.1 |
Programming Skills |
39.4 |
4.8 |
42.0 |
Employee Recruitment |
33.0 |
11.0 |
40.6 |
Hardware Repair |
36.5 |
3.4 |
38.4 |
E-Sales |
9.5 |
31.4 |
37.7 |
Intranets |
30.1 |
11.8 |
37.7 |
E-Marketing |
21.9 |
19.8 |
36.9 |
T1 Lines |
15.3 |
27.0 |
36.9 |
Senior Citizen Usage |
21.2 |
15.7 |
33.3 |
Video Conferencing |
6.6 |
25.2 |
29.7 |
Software Customization |
21.2 |
6.5 |
26.1 |
Bar Code Usage |
15.3 |
11.2 |
24.6 |
Machine Software Integration |
22.1 |
4.0 |
24.6 |
Cable TV Info Access |
19.0 |
5.4 |
23.2 |
Tele-Commuting |
10.9 |
13.1 |
22.5 |
Marketing Analysts |
15.3 |
7.8 |
21.7 |
Use GPS |
5.8 |
10.6 |
15.2 |
Use GIS |
4.4 |
8.0 |
11.6 |
Table III.A.4. Existing and future use of various technologies
Figure III.A.2. The current and future technology usage
Figure III.A.2.(contd.) The current and future technology usage
Figure III.A.2.(contd.) The current and future technology usage
Figure III.A.2.(contd.) The current and future technology usage
Recent Innovation |
Percent |
Computer |
23.3 |
Software Updates |
17.0 |
Internet Access |
10.1 |
Intranet Networking |
6.3 |
Web Activity |
6.3 |
PC Upgrades |
5.7 |
5.0 |
Video Equipment |
4.4 |
Printer |
2.5 |
Table III.A.5. Distribution of recent innovations
Figure III.A.3. Distribution of recent innovations from those responding
A summary of the future technology innovations is given here.
Future Innovation |
Percent |
Web Activity |
20.9 |
Internet |
18.9 |
Keeping Up with Technology |
15.5 |
More Equipment |
7.4 |
High Speed Data Access |
6.1 |
Software Updates |
6.1 |
3.4 |
Video Equipment |
3.4 |
Wireless Services, Equip |
2.7 |
Computer |
2.0 |
Networking |
2.0 |
Telephone Services |
2.0 |
Table III.A.6. Distribution of future innovations
The survey clearly illustrates that electronic communication and the internet are already heavily used in Stevens county.
The second column in Table III.A.4 shows that further development in internet related infrastructure, and business development is coming in the future. Technology infrastructure improvements like high speed data access, T1 lines, fiber optic line, and other telecommunications development are indicated by the survey.
Infrastructure improvements are happening, but the responses show that the future usage of these improvements will differ across businesses. There is no evidence of any dominant usage listed in the survey for what will be done with these new capabiliti es. Either firms aren't sure, or the usage will be dispersed throughout a variety of uses that are listed here. Teleconferencing is one example.
It is clear that in this area phone service and other telecom products are clearly taking the lead over cable tv in providing other telecom services. Cable tv providers may wish to compete in this market in the future, but now they are not really part of the planning of Stevens county firms.
Workforce Issues
The following table shows the percent of employees that have technology knowledge for different levels of firm size. It is important to note the large number of small firms, and that these firms tend to require a higher fraction of employees to hav e technology knowledge.
Firm Size |
Percent of Employees with Technology Knowledge |
Number |
Under 5 People |
74.8 |
57 |
5 to 10 People |
58.3 |
29 |
11 to 20 People |
66.0 |
20 |
21 to 75 People |
52.2 |
16 |
75 and Above |
58.2 |
15 |
Table III.A.7. Firm size and percent of employees with technology knowledge relation
79.4% of the respondents agreed that they you need to have employees who are familiar with new technologies. When they are asked whether or not they were having difficulty attracting new employees, 31.4 percent responded "yes". Of those answering y es, the following table summarizes the nature of the difficulty of attracting employees.
Difficulty |
Percent |
Lack of People |
42.0 |
Lack of General Skills |
16.0 |
Lack of Computing Skills |
10.0 |
Poor Pay |
10.0 |
Higher Technology or Computer Knowledge |
6.0 |
Poor Hours |
6.0 |
Post High School Degree |
6.0 |
Table III.A.8. The nature of the difficulty of attracting employees who are familiar with new technologies
This following table summarizes the qualifications needed for employees. Three of the qualifications (general computing skills, higher tech computer knowledge, internet and web knowledge) were the only technology related ones out of ten listed, coverin g 27.9% of the responses.
Employee Qualifications |
Percent |
General Computing Skills |
29.2 |
Communication Skills |
17.6 |
Experience in Field of Work |
12.4 |
Proper Licensing |
8.2 |
Higher Tech Computer Knowledge |
6.0 |
Post High School Degree |
4.7 |
Internet, Web Knowledge |
4.3 |
Organizational Skills |
4.3 |
Good Work Ethic |
3.9 |
Lack of General Skills |
3.9 |
Table III.A.9. Employee qualifications needed
Figure III.A.4. Distribution of employee qualifications stated from those responding
The top concern for the future express by the respondents is the keeping up with technology (25.6%), followed by competition. Concerns for the future is summarized in the following table.
Challenge |
Percent |
Keeping Up with Technology |
25.6 |
Competition |
18.2 |
Increasing Client Base |
11.4 |
Finding Employees |
9.1 |
Funding |
6.3 |
Web Activity |
5.1 |
Government Policies |
3.4 |
Reliable Employees |
3.4 |
Maintaining Client Relationships |
2.8 |
Table III.A.10. Concerns and challenges for the future
Figure III.A.5. Concerns and challenges for the future from those responding
Change Needed for Success |
Percent |
Keeping with Technology |
29.1 |
Competition |
11.5 |
Increasing Client Base |
8.8 |
Funding |
7.4 |
Web Activity |
7.4 |
Software Updates |
5.4 |
Employee Training |
4.7 |
Maintaining Client Relationships |
4.1 |
Keeping up Physical Environment |
3.4 |
More Equipment |
3.4 |
Table III.A.11. Changes needed for success
Figure III.A.6. Concerns and challenges for the future from those responding
When asked on the changes needed for success 29.1% of the businesses stated keeping up with technology. The other two changes related with the technology was web activity and software updates.
III.B. Statistical Analysis of Part 2.
In this section we looked at each one of the technologies individually in order of importance selected by the respondents. We provide the results on
usage levels
usage by industry
how it is used
how it is obtained
changes/improvements in next five years:
problems during implementation
reasons for not using(if answered no):
obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Definition: Email is a form of transmitting data or text files from one computer to another. Many businesses use email for what is called broadcasting, which is sending email to several recipients at once.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 66.4 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 63.0 percent
Current and Future Usage: 89.9 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Wholesale Trade, Health and Legal Services, Educational Services.
Highest Future Usage: Educational Services, Wholesale trade, Health and Legal Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
100 |
100 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
NA |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
87.5 |
0 |
87.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
73.7 |
60 |
89.5 |
19 |
Other Services |
63.6 |
50 |
83.3 |
11 |
Government |
81.8 |
50 |
90.9 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
80 |
100 |
100 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
55.6 |
68.8 |
86.1 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
50 |
50 |
75 |
16 |
Auto Services |
57.1 |
66.7 |
85.7 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
75 |
66.7 |
91.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
75 |
100 |
100 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Email is currently widely used in Stevens County. The data shows that almost 90 percent of respondents currently use or will use email in the future. This widespread usage is apparently consistently high across industry types. A wide v ariety of service providers and usage needs is apparent from the survey. For respondents that dont plan to use email in the future, they appear to have evaluated this technology and not found it to be sufficiently useful to implement.
Figure III.B.1. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (e-mail)
Definition: Computer users wanting to access the Web need to use the web browser on their computer to connect to a web server. This can be done in 2 ways: a computer connects directly to the web through computer hardware which determines the best way to connect client and server computers, or by being part of a larger network with a direct connection to the web. An example of the first would be a computer using dial-up access to the web. These computers can connect through a modem, which tra nslates data from the computer into signals that can travel through telephone lines. An example of the second would be Internet access from a university's computers that are set up as a network.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 62.0 percent.
Future Usage for those not currently using: 61.5 percent.
Current and Future Usage: 84.8 percent.
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Government, Wholesale trade.
Highest Future Usage: Educational Services, Health, Legal Services, Government.
Industry TypeNumber |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
100 |
100 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
NA |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
87.5 |
0 |
87.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
78.9 |
50 |
89.5 |
19 |
Other Services |
54.6 |
60 |
83.3 |
11 |
Government |
81.8 |
50 |
90.9 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
80 |
0 |
80 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
47.2 |
57.9 |
77.8 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
50 |
62.5 |
81.3 |
16 |
Auto Services |
28.6 |
80 |
85.7 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
66.7 |
75 |
91.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
75 |
100 |
100 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
62% of all the responses had an internet access and 61.5% of the ones that do not have are planning to have in the future. The change in usage for the future will be high in auto services, retail trade, other services and health and legal services. The changes and improvements in the next five years will be in the direction of obtaining faster access. No problem or a reason for not using internet access is given in the surveys. The response pattern for the internet access were similar to e-mail. P>
Figure III.B.2. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (internet access)
Definition: Incoming calls can be handled at a larger volume with greater efficiency by a service like Automatic Call Distribution. All calls will be balanced evenly, no matter where they are from. Call coverage flexibility can be increased with the built-in Auto Attendant, which answers all calls or take the overflow from the attendant. Also, with Call Accounting tracking and billing telephone costs, more expenses can be recovered. These services arent products specifically, but they are available. With new technology, most phones that are programmable can be used to provide the services. Other products include consoles attaching to the telephone, or computer units, such as the IDS Integrated Operator Terminal. This unit basically tak es the burden off a receptionist, or takes the place of the receptionist.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 60.6 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 24.1 percent
Current and Future Usage: 69.6 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Government.
Highest Future Usage: Educational Services, Manufacturing.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
50 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
0 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
87.5 |
0 |
87.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
68.4 |
33.3 |
78.9 |
19 |
Other Services |
63.6 |
0 |
66.7 |
11 |
Government |
81.8 |
0 |
81.8 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
20 |
25 |
40 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
55.6 |
18.8 |
63.9 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
62.5 |
16.7 |
68.7 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
33.3 |
42.9 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
66.7 |
25 |
75 |
12 |
Educational Services |
62.5 |
66.7 |
87.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Various telephone service products are being used by 60.6% of the respondents. A moderate additional demand for the future may be expected from educational services, agriculture, finance and insurance, and auto services economic sector s. Two problems pointed out were digital phone limitations and poor pager service in Morris.
Figure III.B.3. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (telephone service products)
Definition: Databases are a collection of data organized for storage in a computer memory and designed for easy access by authorized users. Databases are often used in research posted on the Internet. In order for people to view information from a particular study, the data, results, etc. can be posted in different databases.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 60.6 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 22.2 percent
Current and Future Usage: 68.8 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Government, Finance and Insurance.
Highest Future Usage: Health and Legal Services, Government.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
0 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
75 |
0 |
75 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
84.2 |
33.3 |
89.5 |
19 |
Other Services |
54.6 |
20 |
66.7 |
11 |
Government |
90.9 |
0 |
90.9 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
40 |
0 |
40 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
47.2 |
21.0 |
58.3 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
50 |
12.5 |
56.3 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
16.7 |
28.6 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
75 |
100 |
100 |
12 |
Educational Services |
75 |
0 |
75 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Figure III.B.4. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (databases)
Definition: Training programs are programs offered by businesses or institutions where an employee can be taught skills of miscellaneous aspects of a particular job. Training programs tend to be job specific, in most situations. For example, Cisco Systems offers many programs like installing cable and configuring and troubleshooting different series routers. This program is available to any employee, from the network engineers to the administrative personnel. Different programs offered may b e rather general. For instance, at businesses are offered programs dealing with teamwork, leadership, communication gaps, job performance, and job stress. Employee skills can be used for consulting and training in a business. Local de partment stores, like Pamida, tend to use already trained and knowledgeable employees to train in new ones. A business employing a computer specialist may need to consult that person on computer matters not included in that persons job. An organization ca lled Employee Training Institute offers programs for computer skills, custom training, basic workplace skills, workshops, and workplace etiquette. These programs are often organized and implemented from people in the organization who already possess those skills. So ETI can utilize many of their employees diverse skills, while at the same time addressing needs of a diverse workforce.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 59.9 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 16.4 percent
Current and Future Usage: 65.9 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Finance, Insurance, and Government.
Highest Future Usage: Health, Legal Services, Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
100 |
NA |
100 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
NA |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
75 |
0 |
75 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
84.2 |
0 |
84.2 |
19 |
Other Services |
54.5 |
0 |
54.5 |
11 |
Government |
72.7 |
33.3 |
81.8 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
40 |
33.3 |
60 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
52.8 |
11.8 |
58.3 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
43.7 |
0 |
43.7 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
0 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
66.7 |
75 |
91.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
62.5 |
66.7 |
87.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Current usage of employee training programs is currently about 60 percent with future usage of about 66 percent. The industry sectors show great diversity on the usage of training programs with some sectors like finance and insurance, health and legal services with very high usage. Other sectors as auto services and lodging, personal business services report much lower usage. The high level of usage in Stevens County shows the continuing concern and need for training options and opport unities. The comments section also revealed ways that local firms are trying to use technology to obtain this training through video conferences or other forms of electronic media.
Figure III.B.5. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (training)
Definition: Web pages are files of information located on a sever connected to the world wide web. Computers need to have browsers in order to retrieve and read information from web sites. Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Explorer are exampl es of browsers web site is a specific place on the Internet assigned to a particular company or individual that has information about themselves and what they do. Most businesses have a web site these days, some with links to other web sites. Affiliate se lling can be a source of building revenue on the web. Basically, a web site for a company may be able to pay for itself. This entails using affiliate selling programs. Then the visitors of a web site are referred to an e-commerce site in return for commis sions on whatever they buy.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 39.4 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 41.0 percent
Current and Future Usage: 63.7 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Government, Educational Services
Highest Future Usage: Agriculture, Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
100 |
100 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
NA |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
75 |
0 |
75 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
57.9 |
50 |
78.9 |
19 |
Other Services |
27.3 |
50 |
66.7 |
11 |
Government |
72.7 |
33.3 |
81.8 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
20 |
75 |
80.0 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
27.8 |
30.8 |
50.0 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
31.3 |
9.1 |
37.5 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
42.9 |
42.9 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
25 |
66.7 |
75 |
12 |
Educational Services |
50 |
75 |
87.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: About 40 percent of survey respondents currently use web pages, and approximately 64 percent of respondents either use web pages now or plan to in the future. This technology appears to be a substantial part of the future of the enterp rises that are planning to use it. For those not planning to incorporate this technology, high cost and lack of perceived need are the reported reasons. Retail trade, and some service sectors appear to be those most reluctant to incorporate web pages. The other industry categories plan to incorporate web pages to a large extent.
Figure III.B.6. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (web pages)
Definition: Several companies are offering wireless products. Including cellular phones, services consist of a mobile communications facility having radio transmission and telephone switching capabilities that provide communication between m obile users. Some other components include GPS units, pagers, two-way radios, satellite phones, and wireless data receivers. But with these a service must be offered. For example, AT&T Wireless offers many different service plans too cellular and digi tal phone customers. Different options are available with different plans. Some services include text messaging, caller ID, 3-way conference calling, etc. ALL-PAGE Communication Wireless Delivery Service offers SecurePage as a service to their pager custo mers. This guarantees that a message will get delivered to the person.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 36.5 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 33.7 percent
Current and Future Usage: 57.2 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Government.
Highest Future Usage: Auto Services, Finance and Insurance.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
0 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
0 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
25 |
66.7 |
75 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
36.8 |
54.5 |
73.7 |
19 |
Other Services |
18.2 |
33.3 |
50 |
11 |
Government |
63.6 |
0 |
63.6 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
40 |
33.3 |
60 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
41.7 |
14.3 |
50 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
12.5 |
21.4 |
31.2 |
16 |
Auto Services |
42.9 |
100 |
100 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
41.7 |
28.6 |
58.3 |
12 |
Educational Services |
25 |
50 |
62.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Current usage is at about 36 percent with future usage projected at over 57 percent. Clearly wireless usage and services are becoming an important part of the operations of local firms. Manufacturing, auto services, and finance and ins urance sectors have the highest projected usage. Lack of need and high cost are commonly reported as barriers to using this technology. A variety of sources and forms of usage were reported in the survey beyond simple cell phone systems.
Figure III.B.7. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (wireless services)
Definition: High Speed Access Corp. (NASDAQ: HSAC) is a provider of high-speed Internet access through a cable modem. Customers are exurbancable operators allowing residential and commercial subscribers to receive the fastest Internet access available (at speeds significantly faster than traditional Internet access). High-speed access allows end users to more efficiently use bandwidth-intensive multimedia applications such as high-quality audio, distance learning, and online commerce applica tions like retailing, financial services and online software distribution. For businesses, Earthlink offers the opportunity to host your own Web, mail and news servers, and connect some or all of your company workstations to the Internet by a single, shar ed path. EarthLink currently offers four types of high-speed service.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 27.7 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 42.7 percent
Current and Future Usage: 57.2 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing.
Highest Future Usage: Wholesale trade, Finance and Insurance.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
0 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
75 |
50 |
75 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
36.8 |
66.7 |
78.9 |
19 |
Other Services |
18.2 |
22.2 |
41.7 |
11 |
Government |
45.5 |
50 |
72.7 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
20 |
75 |
80 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
11.1 |
41.4 |
52.8 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
18.7 |
23.1 |
37.5 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
42.9 |
42.9 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
41.7 |
28.6 |
58.3 |
12 |
Educational Services |
37.5 |
60 |
75 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Current usage of high-speed data access is approximately 28 percent with a projected future usage of 57 percent. This technology shows clear evidence of rapid growth in usage in the next few years. The results here should be compared w ith the use of fiber optic technology later in this report. There is certainly some overlap in these two sections. The industries most likely to use high-speed data access are wholesale trade, educational services, and finance and insurance. High cost was reported as a barrier to obtaining this technology.
Figure III.B.8. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (high speed data access)
Definition: Specific software knowledge deals with the idea of using certain software as part of your business. For instance, the CAD program is used in many companies for modeling and design purposes. Another example includes businesses usi ng certain software for a budget, or perhaps to operate within a network.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 54.7 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 6.4 percent
Current and Future Usage: 57.2 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Health, Legal Services, and Government.
Highest Future Usage: Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
0 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
50 |
0 |
50 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
52.6 |
0 |
52.6 |
19 |
Other Services |
54.5 |
0 |
54.5 |
11 |
Government |
63.6 |
0 |
63.6 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
40 |
0 |
40 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
55.6 |
18.7 |
63.9 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
56.2 |
0 |
56.2 |
16 |
Auto Services |
42.9 |
0 |
42.9 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
66.7 |
25 |
75 |
12 |
Educational Services |
62.5 |
0 |
62.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Figure III.B.9. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (specific software knowledge)
Electronic Relationships With Suppliers:
Definition: Business relationships on the Internet are becoming more common. GE does $1B of business a year with over 1400 suppliers. This alone is more than all electronic trade with individual consumers. Potential suppliers can easily sear ch RFP's to look for appropriate businesses. Relationships with suppliers are easier to establish (geography hardly matters) and therefore, easier to terminate.This creates less inertia to the company-supplier relationship.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 34.3 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 32.6 percent
Current and Future Usage: 55.0 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Wholesale trade, Manufacturing.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
0 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
62.5 |
66.7 |
87.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
31.6 |
15.4 |
42.1 |
19 |
Other Services |
18.2 |
11.1 |
33.3 |
11 |
Government |
54.6 |
20.0 |
63.6 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
60 |
0 |
60 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
36.1 |
40.9 |
63.9 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
25 |
25 |
43.8 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
50 |
57.1 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
25 |
55.6 |
66.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
25 |
33.3 |
50.0 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using (if answered no):
Analysis: Current usage of electronic relationships with suppliers is currently at 34 percent, but future usage is projected at 55 percent, one of the larger increases in technology usage in our study. As might be expected, the manufacturing sec tor shows the highest projected usage. Barriers to implementation included technical barriers like lack of software, to suppliers not ready for such a relationship. The data does show a clear trend of local industries pursuing such relationships to increa se their efficiency.
Figure III.B.10. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (electronic relationships with suppliers)
Definition: To increase the capacity of long-distance telephone lines AT&T, MCI, and Sprint planned the installation of fiber-optic cable between major US cities. They have perhaps the greatest capacity for data transmitting. They common ly connect such institutions as universities, hospitals, research centers and other industries needing to transmit vast quantities of data. They are being used with the Internet to create networks.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 7.3 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 50.4 percent
Current and Future Usage: 52.9 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Agriculture.
Highest Future Usage: Wholesale trade.
Industry TypeFuture Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
50 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
12.5 |
57.1 |
62.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
0 |
68.4 |
68.4 |
19 |
Other Services |
9.1 |
30 |
41.7 |
11 |
Government |
9.1 |
60 |
63.6 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
80 |
80 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
8.3 |
36.4 |
41.7 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
6.2 |
46.7 |
50 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
57.1 |
57.1 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
8.3 |
36.4 |
41.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
12.5 |
57.1 |
62.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Current usage of fiber optic technology is quite low at about 7 percent, but the future usage is projected at about 53 percent; a tremendous increase that must be attributed to the Hometown Solutions initiative in Morris. Many surveyed businesses expressed the desire to connect, but were not in the immediate plans for the city of Morris project. Cost and lack of access to the fiber network were the most often listed barriers to implementation. The industry sectors all show strong evide nce of future use of this technology.
Figure III.B.11. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (fiber optics)
Definition: This is basically what it says. Office networks are networks set up at an office level. These networks are often compared to local area networks, but are more confined. Office networks are location specific. In other words, peopl e amongst the same office are able to have access to and communicate on the same main computer, and each individual computer in the office is connected to this main server. Metricon Inc. of California is in the process of assembling a network to join cabl e, phone, and satellite companies in offering high-speed Internet access. They also are looking into using satellites to create 2-way high-speed Internet for customers. Perhaps one of Metricons biggest accomplishments is what they have done for wire less communications. They are offering a wireless service called Richochet. This service has no physical connection so Internet access can be accomplished in a moving vehicle.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 43.1 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 14.1 percent
Current and Future Usage: 51.0 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Government, Health and Legal Services.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing, Health and Legal Services, Government.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
0 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
0 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
87.5 |
0 |
87.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
57.9 |
25 |
68.4 |
19 |
Other Services |
27.3 |
0 |
50 |
11 |
Government |
63.6 |
25 |
72.7 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
20 |
25 |
40 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
22.2 |
7.1 |
27.8 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
43.8 |
0 |
43.8 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
14.3 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
66.7 |
50 |
83.3 |
12 |
Educational Services |
50 |
50 |
75 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Office networks show current usage of 43 percent with 51 percent projected for the future. Health and legal, educational services, and manufacturing show the highest levels of usage. This is not surprising considering the data intensiv e nature of these sectors. The data also shows that industries will be adding, making changes, and improvements to office networks in the future. This technology shows a healthy immediate future of advancements and usage. The comments also show strong evi dence of making improvements in speed and features of their office network to improve productivity.
Figure III.B.12. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (office networks)
Definition: Machine and software integration is associated with human factors connection and machine interaction. A clearer picture of this arrives at an example. There exists a small business specializing in effective integration of human o perators and users with hardware, software, information, procedures, and environment of jobs. This company is called Carlow International, Inc. The goal of this company is too improve total system performance through attention to interactions between equi pment and human performance. Carlow seems to specialize in human factors, such as designing products and facilities in terms of capabilities and limitations of humans. Some of the things dealt with have to do with things like looking into medical devices that are easy to use for people of all ages, or researching/designing job specific that makes the job easier. An example of this may be designing work tools so that they do not cause carpal tunnel. There exist many other companies using machine and softwa re integration, like Aptima, Inc. They specialize in designing hardware that is easy to use. There work mainly focuses on equipment used by the military, like computer screens and consoles of vehicles.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 45.3 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 10.8 percent
Current and Future Usage: 51.0 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Heath and Legal Services, Finance and Insurance.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing, Educational Services, Finance and Insurance.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
0 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
0 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
75 |
0 |
75 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
63.2 |
14.3 |
68.4 |
19 |
Other Services |
36.4 |
0 |
36.4 |
11 |
Government |
45.5 |
0 |
45.5 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
20 |
0 |
20 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
36.1 |
13.0 |
44.4 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
31.3 |
27.3 |
50 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
0 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
66.7 |
0 |
66.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
50 |
25 |
75 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Software integration is currently used by about 45 percent of respondents and will be used by 51 percent in the future. Manufacturing, health and legal services, educational services, and finance and insurance industry sectors use software integrat ion the most. The table of implementation by industry type shows that some industries are planning to make further advancements while others seem set and not planning changes or advancements. The comments show great diversity of changes across many types of applications.
Figure III.B.13. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (software integration)
Definition: Relating back to the technology company, CYNet, customer service is an important part of their Internet business. They offer customer service on the web. Basically, you can send them questions, comments, or suggestions, via email .
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 24.1 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 31.1 percent
Current and Future Usage: 47.1 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Finance and Insurance.
Highest Future Usage: Agriculture, Finance and Insurance.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
100 |
100 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
50 |
25 |
62.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
47.4 |
40 |
68.4 |
19 |
Other Services |
0 |
36.4 |
41.7 |
11 |
Government |
36.4 |
28.6 |
54.5 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
40 |
33.3 |
60 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
19.4 |
27.6 |
41.7 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
12.5 |
28.6 |
37.5 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
57.1 |
57.1 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
16.7 |
10 |
25 |
12 |
Educational Services |
25 |
16.7 |
37.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Electronic customer service usage is already fairly high at 24.1 percent, but is anticipated to almost double to a total usage of 47 percent. Each industry sector shows evidence of moving in this direction. Obstacles to implementation are lack of perceived need, lack of time to implement, lack of resources, and lack of customers with computer access.
Figure III.B.14. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (e-customer service)
Definition: Youth programs internships are designed to allow younger people gain practical work experience. Canadian Youth Internship Program has internships available for a person ages 15 to 30, whether or not they have any type of high sch ool or college degree. These internships are paid and are meant to get the younger unemployed people to take direction in their lives by learning skills of jobs in areas they are interested in.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 40.1 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 12.2 percent
Current and Future Usage: 47.1 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Educational Services.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing, Educational Services, Health, Legal Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
0 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
0 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
87.5 |
0 |
87.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
31.6 |
7.7 |
36.8 |
19 |
Other Services |
45.4 |
16.7 |
58.3 |
11 |
Government |
63.6 |
0 |
63.6 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
40 |
0 |
40 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
16.7 |
13.3 |
27.8 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
25 |
8.3 |
31.2 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
0 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
66.7 |
50 |
83.3 |
12 |
Educational Services |
75 |
50 |
87.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: About 40 percent currently have some sort of youth program and about 47 percent plan on having something in the future. Education, manufacturing, and health and legal services are the sectors most using youth. Lack of youth responsibil ity, time investment, and lack of people were mentioned as obstacles to implementing youth programs.
Figure III.B.15. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (youth programs, internships)
Definition: This deals with capacity for the process of designing, coding, and testing programs for carrying out operations on a computer, and also the process of converting a stated problem into a machine-sensible form. Programming skills a lso has much to do with the person(s) possessing them. The programming skills refer to technologies that computing consultants possess. This involves having a wide range of knowledge covering most languages, platforms, and networks. Programming skill sets includes expertise indifferent computer languages, networks, etc., like PERL, C/C++, Shell Scripts, Delphi, Java, Tcl/Tk, VBA, and SQL.A high-level programming, or command, language that is interpreted (translated on the fly) rather than compiled ahead o f time. A scripting, or script, language is not a general-purpose programming language and is usually limited to specific functions used to augment the running of an application or system program. Spreadsheet macros and communications scripts are examples . DOS batch files are another example. Microsoft's Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a scripting language version of Visual Basic and is used to automate Microsoft applications. However, some scripting languages such as Perl and Tcl have become quite extensive rivaling many programming languages.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 39.4 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 4.8 percent
Current and Future Usage: 42.0 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Educational Services.
Highest Future Usage: Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
0 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
0 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
75 |
0 |
75 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
42.1 |
0 |
42.1 |
19 |
Other Services |
36.4 |
0 |
36.4 |
11 |
Government |
45.5 |
16.7 |
54.5 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
33.3 |
8.3 |
38.9 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
43.7 |
0 |
43.7 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
0 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
33.3 |
12.5 |
41.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
62.5 |
0 |
62.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Current usage of programming is at about 39 percent with total future usage of about 42 percent. There does not seem to be a great need for future programming expertise above the already fairly high levels. Manufacturing , government, and educational sectors use programming skills the most in the area. These skills are obtained from a variety of local and regional sources, both internal and external to the enterprise. Cost concerns were listed as an obstacle for implementation of progr amming skills.
Figure III.B.16. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (programming skills)
Definition: Employee recruitment deals with techniques of a company which are intended to enhance its ability to recruit, retain, and improve its employee relations. These different techniques includes implementing ideas or programs that wil l deal with an employees crises, success, or stress. These ideas or programs usually deal with finding and keeping employees, job redesign, team building, open communication, compensation, and recognition, as well as dealing with de-motivation or downsizi ng. There are loan programs available for businesses wishing to implement their ideas on their employees, and companies that specialize in setting up programs or giving ideas on employee recruitment.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 33.3 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 11.0 percent
Current and Future Usage: 40.6 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing, Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
0 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
87.5 |
0 |
87.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
15.8 |
12.5 |
26.3 |
19 |
Other Services |
27.3 |
0 |
27.3 |
11 |
Government |
54.5 |
20 |
63.6 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
20 |
0 |
20 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
27.8 |
7.7 |
33.3 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
31.2 |
0 |
31.2 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
0 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
41.7 |
14.3 |
50 |
12 |
Educational Services |
37.5 |
60 |
75 |
8 |
How used:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Figure III.B.17. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (employee recruitment)
Definition: Technical Services Departments are often parts of a business or institution were technical repairs and maintenance are taken care of. This entails possessing the ability to fix the physical equipment that makes up a computer syst em, such as the magnetic, mechanical, electrical, or electronic devices and components, as opposed to the software programs.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 36.5 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 3.4 percent
Current and Future Usage: 38.4 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Educational Services, Manufacturing.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing, Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
0 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
62.5 |
0 |
62.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
42.1 |
9.1 |
47.4 |
19 |
Other Services |
45.4 |
0 |
45.4 |
11 |
Government |
45.4 |
0 |
45.4 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
25 |
7.4 |
30.6 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
31.2 |
0 |
31.2 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
0 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
50 |
0 |
50 |
12 |
Educational Services |
62.5 |
0 |
62.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Hardware repair is an area that shows 36.5 percent current usage, but only 38.4 percent total future usage. The hardware repair data demonstrates continuing need in this area, but also shows no evidence of large future growth. The manufacturing and education sectors demonstrate the most usage of this area. The comments suggest the quality and timeliness of service could be improved. The data also suggests that much of hardware repair involves entities outside of the Stevens County area. Some commen ts also suggest that service and repair issues have not appeared yet in some firms.
Figure III.B.18. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (hardware repair)
Definition: Internet uses for commercial reasons are growing dramatically. Much of this has to do with the accessibility to the Internet. Almost any type of good can be ordered from Internet sites, where they can then be sent by the postal s ervice. CYNet, a technology company run across on the Internet, has some E-marketing information that can be offered to businesses, for a cost. What this E-marketing offers is cost effective messaging or an e-commerce solution to incorporate into a market ing plan. Companies are able to receive information about the requirements of successful marketing. What it boils down to is that the company will receive verified number and address lists, compelling documents, and creative and high impact communication solutions. RDAY Inc., a health supplements company, uses Mercantec SoftCart software for their e-commerce needs. This software provides online shoppers with information, handling purchases, and fulfilling orders. Its almost a do everything software package for starting out with e-commerce. There are other software trends in e-commerce as well. Businesses can save money by renting business software from companies called application service providers. This is being done in place of licensing software from software companies. These ASPs would run software on their own computers and let their customers access it by special phone lines, described as virtual private networks.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 9.5 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 31.4 percent
Current and Future Usage: 37.7 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Wholesale Trade.
Highest Future Usage: Agriculture, Wholesale trade.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
100 |
100 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
50 |
25 |
62.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
0 |
31.6 |
31.6 |
19 |
Other Services |
0 |
27.3 |
33.3 |
11 |
Government |
18.2 |
11.1 |
27.3 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
40 |
66.7 |
80.0 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
8.3 |
42.4 |
47.2 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
0 |
18.8 |
18.7 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
42.9 |
42.9 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
8.3 |
18.2 |
25 |
12 |
Educational Services |
0 |
12.5 |
12.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Electronic sales is not currently used very much in Stevens County, but there is substantial evidence that enterprises here will be implementing this technology in the future. Wholesale trade, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Construction a ppear to be the industries with most interest in adopting this technology. Many respondents believe this technology is not relevant for them, but many of them expressed levels of interest and barriers that could be overcome in the future. Cost, appropriat e software, and necessary expertise were mentioned as barriers to usage.
Figure III.B.19. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (e-sales)
Definition: Through software from an Internet server, such as Netscape, large companies are able to create internal networks, which are called Intranets. Intranets help in managing databases, building web sites, and conducting e-commerce ove r the Internet. What this means is faster and better access to up-to-date information, on-line polls, employee directory, company forms, web based discussion forums, organizational charts, policy and procedural manuals, and live chat.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 30.1 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 11.8 percent
Current and Future Usage: 37.7 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Finance and Insurance, Manufacturing.
Highest Future Usage: Finance and Insurance, Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
50 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
NA |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
50 |
0 |
50 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
52.6 |
33.3 |
68.4 |
19 |
Other Services |
30 |
0 |
33.3 |
11 |
Government |
27.3 |
25 |
45.5 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
40 |
0 |
40 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
22.2 |
7.4 |
30.6 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
25 |
8.3 |
31.2 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
0 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
8.3 |
9.1 |
16.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
37.5 |
25 |
62.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Current usage of intranets is at about 30 percent with total future usage of about 38 percent. As with many other technologies, actual future usage may well be higher than this because as innovations and applications are developed with this technology, more enterprises will then develop the motivation to incorporate this technology. Given the relatively recent development of this technology, the usage levels in Stevens County are high. This should be viewed as a positive development in the technological progress of this area. To a large extent area enterprises are aware of technological developments and make efforts to incorporate technologies that are relevant to them. Finance and insurance, and education sectors are using this techno logy the most. This is not surprising given the relatively heavy focus these sectors have on data and data sharing. Education and other technical barriers were those most often reported as obstacles to implementation.
Figure III.B.20. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (intranet)
Definition: (see e-sales)
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 21.9 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 19.8 percent
Current and Future Usage: 36.9 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Wholesale trade, Finance and Insurance.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing, Wholesale trade, Finance and Insurance.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
0 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
62.5 |
33.3 |
75 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
42.1 |
27.3 |
57.9 |
19 |
Other Services |
18.2 |
22.2 |
41.7 |
11 |
Government |
27.3 |
12.5 |
36.4 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
40 |
33.3 |
60.0 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
11.1 |
28.1 |
36.1 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
18.8 |
7.7 |
25 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
8.3 |
9.1 |
1.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
12.5 |
14.3 |
25 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using (if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Current usage of electronic marketing is at about 22 percent with total future usage at about 37 percent. This technology shows evidence of growth for the future as electronic media are anticipated to become a more central part of econ omic life by Stevens County enterprises. Wholesale trade, and finance/insurance industry sectors show the most support for usage of this technology. The data and comments suggest that local firms that may be interested arent exactly sure how to go a bout doing e-marketing. Cost considerations and relevance to their business are the most often listed reasons for not implementing this technology.
Figure III.B.21. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (e-marketing)
Definition: A fractional T1 line is a T1 digital phone line in the North American T-carrier system that is leased to a customer at a fraction of its data-carrying capacity and generally at a lower cost. A T1 line contains 24 channels, each w ith a data transfer capacity of 64 KBPS. The customer can rent some number of the 24 channels. The transmission method and speed of transfer remain the same. Overhead bits and framing are still used, but the un-rented channels simply contain no data. T1 l ine is in common use today in Internet service provider (ISP) connections to the Internet. Unlike the modem that is in most computers a T1 line requires a CSU/DSU and the connection. The modem that is in your computer is analog. The newer 56K modems are a transition from analog to user affordable digital technology. The newer ISDN modems are digital to allow for the higher speeds. The connection is always active. With a T1 line, you can provide dozens of computers with Internet access without modems, tele phone lines, and dialup accounts.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 15.3 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 27.0 percent
Current and Future Usage: 36.9 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing
Highest Future Usage: Government, Manufacturing.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
0 |
50 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
37.5 |
40 |
62.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
15.8 |
31.2 |
42.1 |
19 |
Other Services |
27.3 |
12.5 |
41.7 |
11 |
Government |
36.4 |
42.9 |
63.6 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
60 |
60 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
5.6 |
21.9 |
25 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
12.5 |
0 |
12.5 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
42.9 |
42.9 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
16.7 |
30 |
41.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
25 |
16.7 |
50 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: This information infrastructure technology has a current usage of about 15 percent, but total future usage will more than double to about 37 percent. This technology shows clear evidence of strong future growth. It will be interesting to see which infrastructure components succeed and thrive in the future. Government, education, and manufacturing sectors show the highest usage for this technology. In addition to lack of need, cost and barriers to access are the most often listed obstac les to using this technology.
Figure III.B.22. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (T1 lines)
Utilization of Senior Citizens:
Definition: Senior citizens can be used as a resource for businesses. Many of the senior citizens today are still in the work force. Those who have not changed jobs have many more years experience than newcomers to a business , and thus can teach many of the jobs required skills. Another way senior citizens are utilized in business is in a sample-like form. Businesses can use machine and software integration on seniors, as well as different marketing techniques, in order to fi nd how a certain age group responds to certain ideas presented to them.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 21.2 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 15.7 percent
Current and Future Usage: 33.3 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Educational Services, Government.
Highest Future Usage: Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
50 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
NA |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
12.5 |
28.6 |
37.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
10.5 |
23.5 |
31.6 |
19 |
Other Services |
18.2 |
22.2 |
41.7 |
11 |
Government |
45.4 |
16.7 |
54.5 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
20 |
20 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
16.7 |
6.7 |
22.2 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
25 |
8.3 |
31.2 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
25 |
11.1 |
33.3 |
12 |
Educational Services |
50 |
50 |
75 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
The data shows that many industry sectors are using seniors in their enterprises. As the senior population continues to grow as projected this source of labor will become an increasingly important labor source. The educational services and governme nt sectors have the highest usage of seniors. The lack of perceived need and lack of technological skills of seniors appear to the most common drawbacks to usage of seniors.
Figure III.B.23. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (utilization of senior citizens)
Definition: This is when television pictures are transmitted in two directions, at the same time, through telephone lines. A popular use of video conferencing occurs in the classroom setting. Teachers and students in one place can hear and s ee teachers and students in other places.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 6.6 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 25.2 percent
Current and Future Usage: 29.7 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Government.
Highest Future Usage: Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
0 |
66.7 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
12.5 |
42.7 |
50 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
0 |
42.1 |
42.1 |
19 |
Other Services |
9.1 |
10.0 |
25.0 |
11 |
Government |
27.3 |
12.5 |
36.4 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
20 |
20 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
0 |
8.3 |
8.3 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
0 |
18.8 |
18.8 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
16.7 |
50 |
58.3 |
12 |
Educational Services |
25 |
66.7 |
75 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Only 6.6 of the respondents are currently using teleconferencing technology, but approximately 30 percent plan to use it the future. This is clearly an area of growth for Stevens County. This grow may be partly due to our isolation away from other population areas. This technology can also enable our local enterprises to have the same kind of access to conference communication to others around the country or world. Cost and quality concerns appear to be common concerns about implementing this techn ology. Comments also suggest that the cost and hassle relative to the benefit makes implementation questionable. Educational services and health services are the sectors with the most usage.
Figure III.B.24. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (video conferencing)
Definition: Software customization includes written programs, procedures, or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system used by a specific business, and are stored in read/write memory. Consulting is when research is done to best determine the software a business will use. Software customization and consulting is often done by a computer consulting company, which often specializes in custom programming which allows them to help many companies who just can't find what they are looking for in "boxed" software. A company called Software Development Incorporated has provided IT and Systems Engineering consultant services that are based upon knowledge of the underlying technology and business disciplines.< /P>
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 21.2 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 6.5 percent
Current and Future Usage: 26.1 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Government, Manufacturing, Educational Services.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
0 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
37.5 |
40 |
62.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
31.6 |
0 |
31.6 |
19 |
Other Services |
18.2 |
0 |
18.2 |
11 |
Government |
36.4 |
0 |
36.4 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
11.1 |
9.4 |
19.4 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
18.7 |
0 |
18.7 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
0 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
16.7 |
11.1 |
33.3 |
12 |
Educational Services |
37.5 |
0 |
37.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Software customization is clearly used across the industry groupings, but the comments and responses indicate that many of these changes are being initiated or taken care of by corporate offices or external dictation. The responses sho w few future implementations of software customization. This could be because the necessary customization has already occurred, or they havent been made aware of the upcoming need for change yet. The manufacturing sector is using this more than any other sector.
Figure III.B.25. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (software customization)
Definition: The most common use for bar code identification is to automatically track inventories. Many supermarkets, warehouses, retail stores, and libraries use this system. Other uses include retail sales, driver's license and ID cards, a nd tracking documents or packages. Bar code usage also extends to research settings. For example, geneticists use bar coding to keep track of genes and pieces of DNA in database collections and gene banks.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 15.3 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 11.2 percent
Current and Future Usage: 24.6 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Government.
Highest Future Usage: Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
0 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
12.5 |
14.3 |
25 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
5.3 |
0 |
5.3 |
19 |
Other Services |
18.2 |
0 |
18.2 |
11 |
Government |
36.4 |
14.3 |
45.4 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
20 |
25 |
40 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
16.7 |
13.3 |
27.8 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
0 |
0 |
0 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
14.3 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
25 |
22.2 |
41.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
25 |
33.3 |
50 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Bar codes have moderate usage levels across the industry classifications, and moderate percentages of new implementations are planned across industries. Government, educational services, and wholesale trade are the sectors with the hig hest usage levels.
Figure III.B.26. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (bar code usage)
Definition: Machine and software integration is associated with human factors connection and machine interaction. A clearer picture of this arrives at an example. There exists a small business specializing in effective integration of human o perators and users with hardware, software, information, procedures, and environment of jobs. This company is called Carlow International, Inc. The goal of this company is too improve total system performance through attention to interactions between equi pment and human performance. Carlow seems to specialize in human factors, such as designing products and facilities in terms of capabilities and limitations of humans. Some of the things dealt with have to do with things like looking into medical devices that are easy to use for people of all ages, or researching/designing job specific that makes the job easier. An example of this may be designing work tools so that they do not cause carpal tunnel. There exist many other companies using machine and softwa re integration, like Aptima, Inc. They specialize in designing hardware that is easy to use. There work mainly focuses on equipment used by the military, like computer screens and consoles of vehicles.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 22.1 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 4.0 percent
Current and Future Usage: 24.6 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing, Health, Legal Services.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing, Health, Legal Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
0 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
50 |
0 |
50 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
31.6 |
0 |
31.6 |
19 |
Other Services |
10 |
0 |
10 |
11 |
Government |
18.2 |
0 |
18.2 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
13.9 |
6.7 |
22.2 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
25 |
0 |
25 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
0 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
41.7 |
14.3 |
50.0 |
12 |
Educational Services |
12.5 |
14.2 |
25 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Figure III.B.27. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (machine/software integration)
Definition: Television that is transmitted over cable directly to the receiver is included in this technology. Cox is a company offering business services like high-speed Internet, digital switch services, and telephone and d ata transport. Many cable companies, including Insight Communications, are in the midst of upgrading their existing coaxial cable systems with fiber optic technology. These hybrid fiber-coaxial networks will allow for customers using cable modems to acces s a range of high-speed data services at speeds up to 100 times faster than traditional telephone modems.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 19.0 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 5.4 percent
Current and Future Usage: 23.2 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Education Services, Government.
Highest Future Usage: Educational Services.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
0 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
0 |
0 |
0 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
15.8 |
0 |
15.8 |
19 |
Other Services |
18.2 |
0 |
18.2 |
11 |
Government |
27.3 |
0 |
27.3 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
22.2 |
7.1 |
27.8 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
18.7 |
0 |
18.7 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
25 |
22.2 |
41.7 |
12 |
Educational Services |
37.5 |
40 |
62.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Cable tv does not seem to be a universal choice for supplying data communications for the future. There is no evidence that those currently using cable are planning to make this a central part of their data and communications system. Only the educa tional services sector appear to be developing future uses for cable technology.
Figure III.B.28. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (cable tv/info. Access)
Definition: Tele-commuting means to work away from an employers building, where the employee contacts the employer through e-mail, phone, or fax. An example of this is a Nurse Case Manager. Travel is necessary for this job, since a nur se may have many patients. But in order to check in and get a patient's charts/information they may have to return to a clinic or hospital, or simply fax/email any information needed. Recently in Lakefield, MN there has been talk of integrating tele-commu nications into the rural community. By 2002, they want to bring state-of-the-art video, voice, and online services to every farm, house, business, religious institute, school, government and civic building in the area. If this were done for the whole comm unity, this equipment and training could be available to all residents at low cost. City administrator Mark Erickson describes this as "meshing cable, phone, and online services into one", which would be done by a company called Telcordia.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 10.9 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 13.1 percent
Current and Future Usage: 22.5 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Lodging, Personal Business Services.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
0 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
100 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
12.5 |
42.9 |
50 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
15.8 |
18.7 |
31.6 |
19 |
Other Services |
9.1 |
10 |
25 |
11 |
Government |
0 |
27.3 |
27.3 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
5.6 |
2.9 |
8.3 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
31.2 |
0 |
31.2 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
8.3 |
18.2 |
25 |
12 |
Educational Services |
12.5 |
28.6 |
37.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Current usage is low, only about 11 percent currently, but is expected to double in the future. The comments and responses indicate that many enterprises will use this as is appropriate for their organization. The responses also indicate that tele- commuting had undesirable consequences in some implementations. Manufacturing and some services are the sectors with the highest implementations.
Figure III.B.29. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (tele-commuting)
Definition: Business/marketing analysts are useful in reviewing policies or statements, developing ratings of a business/company, or going over current valuations and producing outlook statements for a particular business. Companies like CIB C Oppenheimer have analysts that detail earnings and offer details on balance sheets. Other business analysts may report on company stock or valuation. It seems as though many companies, like Morningstar and Mellon Bank Corporation, use the analysts to an alyze stocks and give business or financial ratings.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 15.3 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 7.8 percent
Current and Future Usage: 21.7 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Manufacturing.
Highest Future Usage: Manufacturing.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
0 |
33.3 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
62.5 |
0 |
62.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
21.0 |
0 |
21.0 |
19 |
Other Services |
0 |
18.2 |
18.2 |
11 |
Government |
18.2 |
11.1 |
27.3 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
8.3 |
3.0 |
11.1 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
6.2 |
13.3 |
18.7 |
16 |
Auto Services |
14.3 |
0 |
14.3 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
16.7 |
20 |
33.3 |
12 |
Educational Services |
25 |
16.7 |
37.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Analysis: Marketing Analyst usage shows evidence that this is a relatively mature technology. Those respondents that currently use them will continue to do so. Those who do not currently use them show a limited amount of new future use. Cost and cost effectiveness are the barriers and obstacles mentioned in the responses.
Figure III.B.30. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (marketing analysts)
Definition: Applications of GPS continue to grow in land, sea, and air navigation. GPS is important in travel in the international airspace system due to its ability to increase safety and decrease fuel consumption. For example, airplanes ca n use GPS for landing in fog-bound airports, and automobiles can use it as a component of intelligent transportation systems. GPS is a satellite navigation system using information of position, velocity and time with regard to an object on the earth s surface and a satellite. The Magellan Company offers goods and services utilizing GPS. The company has a vehicle navigation system, which allows you to see where you are and the quickest way to get to where it is you want to go. Another application of G PS uses measurements, from a satellite, and deals with the environment. Geocenter locations and variations in earth orientation can be measured, and then used in different scientific studies.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 5.8 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 10.6 percent
Current and Future Usage: 15.2 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Construction, Agriculture.
Highest Future Usage: Government.
Industry TypeFuture Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using)Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
66.7 |
0 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
100 |
0 |
100 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
0 |
25 |
25 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
0 |
15.8 |
15.8 |
19 |
Other Services |
9.1 |
0 |
16.7 |
11 |
Government |
18.2 |
33.3 |
45.5 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
20 |
25 |
40 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
0 |
3.1 |
13.9 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
6.3 |
0 |
6.3 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
0 |
0 |
0 |
12 |
Educational Services |
0 |
37.5 |
37.5 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Reasons for not using(if answered no):
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
Global Positioning Systems usage percentages are low, but the survey shows evidence of increased usage of this technology in some sectors of Stevens County. Government, agriculture and some industries see
m to be the sectors most likely to use this technology. Applications for other sectors may become prevalent as the cost for this technology decreases. Lack of need, cost and lack of employee experience with GPS are reported as barriers or obstacles to usa
Figure III.B.31. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (GPS systems)
Definition: GIS has become an important technological tool. Scientists can use GIS to research environmental changes. Engineers can design systems, electrical companies can manage their complex networks of power lines, government institution s can track land uses, and fire and police departments can plan emergency routes. Also, many private businesses are beginning to use a GIS to plan and improve their services. In order to use GIS systems special GIS software, digitized basemaps, informatio n, and whole sets of procedures (such as data collection, management, and updating) are needed An important application of GIS systems has to do with disease control. For example, the Dept. of Communicable Diseases used GIS systems to deal with disease an d other public health studies. The system allows them to se where populations are, see where resources are, see where needs are, and see where to target resources. This is done by analyzing epidemiological data, as well as finding trends, dependencies, an d inter-relationships difficult to discover in table form. What this means is that problems in relation to resources can be easily visualized. And also, resources can be more efficiently targeted to those in need. Public health resources, specific disease s, and health events can be mapped in relation to their surrounding environment and the already existing health and social infrastructures. To sum things up a bit, what the Dept. of Communicable Diseases has is a useful tool for monitoring and managing di sease and other public health programs.
Usage Levels:
Current Usage: 4.4 percent
Future Usage for those not currently using: 8.0 percent
Current and Future Usage: 11.6 percent
Usage by Industry:
Highest Current Usage: Agriculture, Wholesale trade.
Highest Future Usage: Government.
Industry Type |
Current Usage Percent |
Future Usage Percent (of Those not Currently Using) |
Total Future Usage Percent |
Number |
Agriculture |
33.3 |
50 |
66.7 |
3 |
Construction |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Manufacturing |
0 |
12.5 |
12.5 |
8 |
Finance, Insurance |
0 |
5.3 |
5.3 |
19 |
Other Services |
0 |
9.1 |
16.7 |
11 |
Government |
18.2 |
33.3 |
45.5 |
11 |
Wholesale Trade |
20 |
0 |
20 |
5 |
Retail Trade |
0 |
3.2 |
3.2 |
36 |
Lodging, Personal Business Services |
6.2 |
0 |
6.2 |
16 |
Auto Services |
0 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
Health, Legal Services |
0 |
8.3 |
8.3 |
12 |
Educational Services |
12.5 |
14.3 |
25 |
8 |
How used:
How obtained:
Changes/Improvements in next five years:
Problems during implementation:
Obstacles and barriers for using(if answered no):
GIS, or Geographic Information Systems does not appear to be a technology that will be used universally across a wide range of industries, but there does appear to be a need for it in some sectors like go
vernment and educational services. Cost and lack of resources appear to be barriers to implementation. As this technology develops and becomes well known, we should expect more usage in Stevens County.
Figure III.B.32. Distribution of current and total future use by economic sectors (GIS systems)
A.1. List of Businesses/Organizations Selected for Interview
Business |
Long Survey Response |
Response to Either Survey, Short or Long |
Morrell Hog Buying |
yes |
yes |
Staples Construction |
no |
no |
Carghill Inc. |
yes |
yes |
C/A Public Schools |
yes |
yes |
Federated Telephone |
yes |
yes |
Monson Trucking |
no |
no |
Hooters Lumber |
yes |
yes |
Harvest States Coop |
yes |
yes |
Hancock Concrete |
yes |
yes |
Baas Construction |
no |
no |
Conroy Well Drilling |
no |
no |
Fehr Land Ltd |
no |
no |
Hancock City Offices |
yes |
yes |
Hancock coop Inc. |
no |
yes |
First Am St Bank |
no |
no |
Hancock Schools |
yes |
yes |
Trico Ag Service |
no |
no |
Zeltwanger Construction |
no |
no |
Hancock Cabinet and Casework |
no |
no |
Robotics |
no |
no |
Aaron Carlson Woodworking |
no |
no |
All About Hair |
yes |
yes |
Benson Drug |
no |
no |
Arvid Beyer Ford |
no |
yes |
Bremer Bank |
yes |
yes |
Brown Wilber Vault Co |
no |
no |
Centrol Inc |
no |
yes |
Coca Cola |
yes |
yes |
Commun. First Bank |
yes |
yes |
Computer Professoinals |
no |
yes |
Denco, LLc |
yes |
yes |
Dental Depot |
yes |
yes |
Engebretson Disposal |
no |
yes |
Genetipork |
no |
no |
HilltopSwine |
no |
no |
Rentz Agency |
yes |
yes |
Infolink |
yes |
yes |
Business |
Long Survey Response |
Response to Either Survey, Short or Long |
John's Entertainment |
no |
no |
Karl's |
no |
no |
Keeper's |
no |
no |
Jost Construction |
no |
no |
Kleespie Tank |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
LutheranBrotherhoodFin Services |
no |
no |
McGinnis Appliance |
no |
yes |
Midwest Health Benefits |
yes |
yes |
MN Dot |
yes |
yes |
Morris Area Schools |
yes |
yes |
Morris Commercial Printing |
no |
yes |
Morris Electronics |
no |
yes |
Prairie Inn |
yes |
yes |
Morris City Offices |
no |
yes |
Morris Sun Tribune |
no |
yes |
Munsterman Accounting |
no |
yes |
Ottertail Accounting |
yes |
yes |
Pederson Funeral Home |
yes |
yes |
Prairie Medical Assoc |
yes |
yes |
Quality Stamping and Mfg |
no |
no |
Riley Bros |
yes |
yes |
Sight and Sound |
yes |
yes |
Steven's Cty Medical Center |
yes |
yes |
Sterneson Lumber |
no |
no |
State Farm Insurance |
yes |
yes |
Steven's County Implement |
no |
no |
Superior Industrial |
yes |
yes |
Swine Health Center |
no |
no |
Video Place |
no |
no |
yes |
yes |
Wal's Shoes |
no |
no |
Wilken's Industries |
yes |
yes |
West Central Realty |
yes |
yes |
Willies Super Value |
yes |
yes |
Hometown Solutions |
yes |
yes |
Old #yes |
no |
no |
Amoco |
no |
no |
Jerry's U Save |
no |
no |
Wente's Furniture |
no |
no |
Napa Auto Parts |
no |
no |
Burger King |
yes |
yes |
A.2. Definitions and Examples
Traditional Technologies:
Email is a form of transmitting data or text files from one computer to another. Many businesses use email for what is called broadcasting, which is sending email to several recipients at once.Web Page/Site: Web pages are files of information located on a sever connected to the world wide web. Computers need to have browsers in order to retrieve and read information from web sites. Netscape Navigator and Microso ft Explorer are examples of browsers web site is a specific place on the Internet assigned to a particular company or individual that has information about themselves and what they do. Most businesses have a web site these days, some with links to other w eb sites. Affiliate selling can be a source of building revenue on the web. Basically, a web site for a company may be able to pay for itself. This entails using affiliate selling programs. Then the visitors of a web site are referred to an e-commerce sit e in return for commissions on whatever they buy.
Electronic Relationships with Suppliers: Business relationships on the Internet are becoming more common. GE does $1B of business a year with over 1400 suppliers. This alone is more than all electronic trade with individua l consumers. Potential suppliers can easily search RFP's to look for appropriate businesses. Relationships with suppliers are easier to establish (geography hardly matters) and therefore, easier to terminate. This creates less inertia to the company-suppl ier relationship.
E-commerce/ E-marketing: Internet uses for commercial reasons are growing dramatically. Much of this has to do with the accessibility to the Internet. Almost any type of good can be ordered from Internet sites, where they can then be sent by the postal service. CYNet, a technology company run across on the Internet, has some E-marketing information that can be offered to businesses, for a cost. What this E-marketing offers is cost effective messaging or an e-commerce solut ion to incorporate into a marketing plan. Companies are able to receive information about the requirements of successful marketing. What it boils down to is that the company will receive verified number and address lists, compelling documents, and creativ e and high impact communication solutions. RDAY Inc., a health supplements company, uses Mercantec SoftCart software for their e-commerce needs. This software provides online shoppers with information, handling purchases, and fulfilling orders. Its almost a do everything software package for starting out with e-commerce. There are other software trends in e-commerce as well. Businesses can save money by renting business software from companies called application service providers. This is being done in place of licensing software from software companies. These ASPs would run software on their own computers and let their customers access it by special phone lines, described as virtual private networks
E-Customer Service: Relating back to the technology company, CYNet, customer service is an important part of their Internet business. They offer customer service on the web. Basically, you can send them questions, comments , or suggestions, via email.
Bar Code Usage: The most common use for bar code identification is to automatically track inventories. Many supermarkets, warehouses, retail stores, and libraries use this system. Other uses include retail sales, driver's license and ID cards, and tracking documents or packages. Bar code usage also extends to research settings. For example, geneticists use bar coding to keep track of genes and pieces of DNA in database collections and gene banks.
Intranet: Through software from an Internet server, such as Netscape, large companies are able to create internal networks, which are called Intranets. Intranets help in managing databases, building web sites, and conducti ng e-commerce over the Internet. What this means is faster and better access to up-to-date information, on-line polls, employee directory, company forms, web based discussion forums, organizational charts, policy and procedural manuals, and live chat.
Databases: Databases are a collection of data organized for storage in a computer memory and designed for easy access by authorized users. Databases are often used in research posted on the Internet. In order for people to view information from a particular study, the data, results, etc. can be posted in different databases.
Internet Access: Computer users wanting to access the Web need to use the web browser on their computer to connect to a web server. This can be done in 2 ways: a computer connects directly to the web through computer hardw are which determines the best way to connect client and server computers, or by being part of a larger network with a direct connection to the web. An example of the first would be a computer using dial-up access to the web. These computers can connect th rough a modem, which translates data from the computer into signals that can travel through telephone lines. An example of the second would be Internet access from a university's computers that are set up as a network.
Networks/Office Networks: This is basically what it says. Office networks are networks set up at an office level. These networks are often compared to local area networks, but are more confined. Office networks are locatio n specific. In other words, people amongst the same office are able to have access to and communicate on the same main computer, and each individual computer in the office is connected to this main server. Metricon Inc. of California is in the process of assembling a network to join cable, phone, and satellite companies in offering high-speed Internet access. They also are looking into using satellites to create 2-way high-speed Internet for customers. Perhaps one of Metricons biggest accomplishment s is what they have done for wireless communications. They are offering a wireless service called Richochet. This service has no physical connection so Internet access can be accomplished in a moving vehicle.
Video Conferencing: This is when television pictures are transmitted in two directions, at the same time, through telephone lines. A popular use of video conferencing occurs in the classroom setting. Teachers and students in one place can hear and see teachers and students in other places.
GPS (Global Positioning System): Applications of GPS continue to grow in land, sea, and air navigation. GPS is important in travel in the international airspace system due to its ability to increase safety and decrease fue l consumption. For example, airplanes can use GPS for landing in fog-bound airports, and automobiles can use it as a component of intelligent transportation systems. GPS is a satellite navigation system using information of position, velocity and time wit h regard to an object on the earths surface and a satellite. The Magellan Company offers goods and services utilizing GPS. The company has a vehicle navigation system, which allows you to see where you are and the quickest way to get to where it is you want to go. Another application of GPS uses measurements, from a satellite, and deals with the environment. Geocenter locations and variations in earth orientation can be measured, and then used in different scientific studies.
GIS (Geographic Information Systems): GIS has become an important technological tool. Scientists can use GIS to research environmental changes. Engineers can design systems, electrical companies can manage their complex ne tworks of power lines, government institutions can track land uses, and fire and police departments can plan emergency routes. Also, many private businesses are beginning to use a GIS to plan and improve their services. In order to use GIS systems special GIS software, digitized basemaps, information, and whole sets of procedures (such as data collection, management, and updating) are needed An important application of GIS systems has to do with disease control. For example, the Dept. of Communicable Dise ases used GIS systems to deal with disease and other public health studies. The system allows them to se where populations are, see where resources are, see where needs are, and see where to target resources. This is done by analyzing epidemiological data , as well as finding trends, dependencies, and inter-relationships difficult to discover in table form. What this means is that problems in relation to resources can be easily visualized. And also, resources can be more efficiently targeted to those in ne ed. Public health resources, specific diseases, and health events can be mapped in relation to their surrounding environment and the already existing health and social infrastructures. To sum things up a bit, what the Dept. of Communicable Diseases has is a useful tool for monitoring and managing disease and other public health programs.
Technology Infrastructure:
Telephone Service Products: Incoming calls can be handled at a larger volume with greater efficiency by a service like Automatic Call Distribution. All calls will be balanced evenly, no matter where they are from. Call coverage flexibility can be increased with the built-in Auto Attendant, which answers all calls or take the overflow from the attendant. Also, with Call Accounting tracking and billing telephone costs, more expenses can be recovered. These services arent pro ducts specifically, but they are available. With new technology, most phones that are programmable can be used to provide the services. Other products include consoles attaching to the telephone, or computer units, such as the IDS Integrated Operator Term inal. This unit basically takes the burden off a receptionist, or takes the place of the receptionist.
Wireless Services: Several companies are offering wireless products. Including cellular phones, services consist of a mobile communications facility having radio transmission and telephone switching capabilities that provi de communication between mobile users. Some other components include GPS units, pagers, two-way radios, satellite phones, and wireless data receivers. But with these a service must be offered. For example, AT&T Wireless offers many different service p lans too cellular and digital phone customers. Different options are available with different plans. Some services include text messaging, caller ID, 3-way conference calling, etc. ALL-PAGE Communication Wireless Delivery Service offers SecurePage as a se rvice to their pager customers. This guarantees that a message will get delivered to the person.
High Speed Data Access High Speed Access Corp. (NASDAQ: HSAC) is a provider of high-speed Internet access through a cable modem. Customers are exurbancable operators allowing residential and commercial subscribers to recei ve the fastest Internet access available (at speeds significantly faster than traditional Internet access). High-speed access allows end users to more efficiently use bandwidth-intensive multimedia applications such as high-quality audio, distance learnin g, and online commerce applications like retailing, financial services and online software distribution. For businesses, Earthlink offers the opportunity to host your own Web, mail and news servers, and connect some or all of your company workstations to the Internet by a single, shared path. EarthLink currently offers four types of high-speed service.
T1 Lines: A fractional T1 line is a T1 digital phone line in the North American T-carrier system that is leased to a customer at a fraction of its data-carrying capacity and generally at a lower cost. A T1 line contains 24 channels, each with a data transfer capacity of 64 KBPS. The customer can rent some number of the 24 channels. The transmission method and speed of transfer remain the same. Overhead bits and framing are still used, but the un-rented channels simply cont ain no data. T1 line is in common use today in Internet service provider (ISP) connections to the Internet. Unlike the modem that is in most computers a T1 line requires a CSU/DSU and the connection. The modem that is in your computer is analog. The newer 56K modems are a transition from analog to user affordable digital technology. The newer ISDN modems are digital to allow for the higher speeds. The connection is always active. With a T1 line, you can provide dozens of computers with Internet access wit hout modems, telephone lines, and dialup accounts.
Cable TV/Information Access: Television that is transmitted over cable directly to the receiver is included in this technology. Cox is a company offering business services like high-speed Internet, digital switch services, and telephone and data transport. Many cable companies, including Insight Communications, are in the midst of upgrading their existing coaxial cable systems with fiber optic technology. These hybrid fiber-coaxial networks will allow for customers using c able modems to access a range of high-speed data services at speeds up to 100 times faster than traditional telephone modems.
Fiber Optics Lines: To increase the capacity of long-distance telephone lines AT&T, MCI, and Sprint planned the installation of fiber-optic cable between major US cities. They have perhaps the greatest capacity for dat a transmitting. They commonly connect such institutions as universities, hospitals, research centers and other industries needing to transmit vast quantities of data. They are being used with the Internet to create networks.
Skills and Human Resources:
Programming Skills: This deals with capacity for the process of designing, coding, and testing programs for carrying out operations on a computer, and also the process of converting a stated problem into a machine-sensible form. Programming skills also has much to do with the person(s) possessing them. The programming skills refer to technologies that computing consultants possess. This involves having a wide range of knowledge covering most languages, platforms, and networks. P rogramming skill sets includes expertise indifferent computer languages, networks, etc., like PERL, C/C++, Shell Scripts, Delphi, Java, Tcl/Tk, VBA, and SQL.A high-level programming, or command, language that is interpreted (translated on the fly) rather than compiled ahead of time. A scripting, or script, language is not a general-purpose programming language and is usually limited to specific functions used to augment the running of an application or system program. Spreadsheet macros and communications scripts are examples. DOS batch files are another example. Microsoft's Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a scripting language version of Visual Basic and is used to automate Microsoft applications. However, some scripting languages such as Perl and Tcl have become quite extensive rivaling many programming languages.
Specific Software Knowledge: Specific software knowledge deals with the idea of using certain software as part of your business. For instance, the CAD program is used in many companies for modeling and design purposes. Ano ther example includes businesses using certain software for a budget, or perhaps to operate within a network.
Hardware Repair Technical Services Departments are often parts of a business or institution were technical repairs and maintenance are taken care of. This entails possessing the ability to fix the physical equipment that m akes up a computer system, such as the magnetic, mechanical, electrical, or electronic devices and components, as opposed to the software programs.
Software Customization/Consulting: Software customization includes written programs, procedures, or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system used by a specific business, and are s tored in read/write memory. Consulting is when research is done to best determine the software a business will use. Software customization and consulting is often done by a computer consulting company, which often specializes in custom programming which a llows them to help many companies who just can't find what they are looking for in "boxed" software. A company called Software Development Incorporated has provided IT and Systems Engineering consultant services that are based upon knowledge of the underl ying technology and business disciplines.
Machine/Software Integration: Machine and software integration is associated with human factors connection and machine interaction. A clearer picture of this arrives at an example. There exists a small business specializin g in effective integration of human operators and users with hardware, software, information, procedures, and environment of jobs. This company is called Carlow International, Inc. The goal of this company is too improve total system performance through a ttention to interactions between equipment and human performance. Carlow seems to specialize in human factors, such as designing products and facilities in terms of capabilities and limitations of humans. Some of the things dealt with have to do with thin gs like looking into medical devices that are easy to use for people of all ages, or researching/designing job specific that makes the job easier. An example of this may be designing work tools so that they do not cause carpal tunnel. There exist many oth er companies using machine and software integration, like Aptima, Inc. They specialize in designing hardware that is easy to use. There work mainly focuses on equipment used by the military, like computer screens and consoles of vehicles.
Business Analysts: Business analysts are useful in reviewing policies or statements, developing ratings of a business/company, or going over current valuations and producing outlook statements for a particular business. Co mpanies like CIBC Oppenheimer have analysts that detail earnings and offer details on balance sheets. Other business analysts may report on company stock or valuation. It seems as though many companies, like Morningstar and Mellon Bank Corporation, use th e analysts to analyze stocks and give business or financial ratings.
Marketing: Basically, marketing includes the activities involved in the process of getting goods from the producer to the consumer. The first techniques used meant only moving goods from a manufacturer to the place on the objects final sale. The thing that changed is that now marketing mainly precedes the production on goods. Larger corporations do market research and product development, design, and testing before goods are made. Services are included in marketing. Busine ss related marketing services include computer applications, management consulting, stock brokerage, banking, and advertising. Sales is much like marketing. By definition it consists of groups of messages, media, and methods of designing and presenting pr oducts that are used to makes customers buy goods. So as marketing emphasizes what the buyer wants, sales emphasizes what the buyer is buying.
Service: Services include things that businesses offer consumers, but are not necessarily physical. An example of this includes a bank attendant performing a transaction for you at a local bank, or a doctor giving an exami nation. Perhaps the thing that most comes to mind when thinking of service is the service sector. This is the group consisting of private businesses and government agencies that provides service to the community. This can include services anywhere from health care to vacation resorts.
Employee Recruitment General: Employee recruitment deals with techniques of a company which are intended to enhance its ability to recruit, retain, and improve its employee relations. These different techniques includes im plementing ideas or programs that will deal with an employees crises, success, or stress. These ideas or programs usually deal with finding and keeping employees, job redesign, team building, open communication, compensation, and recognition, as well as d ealing with de-motivation or downsizing. There are loan programs available for businesses wishing to implement their ideas on their employees, and companies that specialize in setting up programs or giving ideas on employee recruitment.
Utilization of Senior Citizens: Senior citizens can be used as a resource for businesses. Many of the senior citizens today are still in the work force. Those who have not changed jobs have many more years experience than newcomers to a business, and thus can teach many of the jobs required skills. Another way senior citizens are utilized in business is in a sample-like form. Businesses can use machine and software integration on seniors, as well as different marketing tec hniques, in order to find how a certain age group responds to certain ideas presented to them.
Tele-commuting: Tele-commuting means to work away from an employers building, where the employee contacts the employer through e-mail, phone, or fax. An example of this is a Nurse Case Manager. Travel is necessary fo r this job, since a nurse may have many patients. But in order to check in and get a patient's charts/information they may have to return to a clinic or hospital, or simply fax/email any information needed. Recently in Lakefield, MN there has been talk of integrating tele-communications into the rural community. By 2002, they want to bring state-of-the-art video, voice, and online services to every farm, house, business, religious institute, school, government and civic building in the area. If this were done for the whole community, this equipment and training could be available to all residents at low cost. City administrator Mark Erickson describes this as "meshing cable, phone, and online services into one", which would be done by a company called Tel cordia.
Youth Programs Internships: Youth programs internships are designed to allow younger people gain practical work experience. Canadian Youth Internship Program has internships available for a person ages 15 to 30, whether or not they have any type of high school or college degree. These internships are paid and are meant to get the younger unemployed people to take direction in their lives by learning skills of jobs in areas they are interested in.
Employee Training Programs: Training programs are programs offered by businesses or institutions where an employee can be taught skills of miscellaneous aspects of a particular job. Training programs tend to be job specifi c, in most situations. For example, Cisco Systems offers many programs like installing cable and configuring and troubleshooting different series routers. This program is available to any employee, from the network engineers to the administrative personne l. Different programs offered may be rather general. For instance, at businesses are offered programs dealing with teamwork, leadership, communication gaps, job performance, and job stress. Employee skills can be used for consulting a nd training in a business. Local department stores, like Pamida, tend to use already trained and knowledgeable employees to train in new ones. A business employing a computer specialist may need to consult that person on computer matters not included in t hat persons job. An organization called Employee Training Institute offers programs for computer skills, custom training, basic workplace skills, workshops, and workplace etiquette. These programs are often organized and implemented from people in the org anization who already possess those skills. So ETI can utilize many of their employees diverse skills, while at the same time addressing needs of a diverse workforce.
A.3. Long and Short Surveys Used