• Increase collaboration & integration
• More research on use of technology (creative approaches)
• Shaping the technology based on the needs of the learning/teaching
• Discipline specific issues
• Creation of "unique learning environments" based on the
content. Not the adoptation of "standard environments"
• ...
• Togeas, J. and Sungur, E., “Balanced Teaching”, Faculty
Development, Volume 5, Number 3, pg.3-4, 1992
• Anderson, J.E. and Sungur, E.A., Enriching Introductory Statistics Courses
Through Community Awareness, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference
on Teaching Statistics, Conference Papers, Developing a Statistically Literate
Society, Editor Brian Philips, ISBN: 085590 782 7, Electronic Publication, 2002
Please send your comments to Engin Sungur;