is t?What
is z?What
is z?What
is t?Paired test in Statlets by using the summary statistics Paired test in Statlets by using the original dataConfidence intervals for the differenece between means by using summary statisticsConfidence interval for the difference between means by using the original dataConfidence intervals for the difference between population proportions by using summary statistics

If you have been given or calculated the sample mean and sample standard deviation together with the sample size for the differences between two treatments you can use the Statlets window presented below.


Eight pairs of slow learners with similar reading IQs are found, one member of each pair is randomly assigned to the standard teaching method while the other is assigned to the new method. The difference (New Method - Standard Method) in reading test scores for the eight subjects has a mean of 4.375, and a standard deviation of 1.685.

a. Form a 95% confidence interval for the mean difference (New Method - Standard Method) in reading test scores.

The output will include: Sample size, Mean difference, and Standard deviation of the difference followed by 95% confidence interval for the population mean difference.

b. Find a 99% confidence interval by following the steps given below:

The output will include: Sample size, Mean difference, and Standard deviation of the difference followed by 99% confidence interval for the population mean difference.

c. By using your answers to a and b, what can you say about the effectiveness of the new method?