University of Minnesota MorrisFall Faculty Retreat Registration FormArrowwood Resort & Conference Center, Alexandria, MinnesotaAugust 22-23 |
If you would like to see more detailed analysis of the survey please contact Engin Sungur (sungurea@morris.umn.edu)
To help with planning, please rank all of the following parallel sessions (1 for the first preference, 5 for the fifth preference)
10:45-11:45 |
Parallel Sessions |
Early Alert (Academic Alert) for Students and Faculty |
Working Together in a Discipline
Inter-disciplinary Collaboration
Inter-unit Collaboration
Working Together in Learning, Teaching, and Research
Ranking |
o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 |
o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 |
o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 |
o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 |
o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 |
To help with planning, please rank all of the following parallel sessions (1 for the first preference, 3 for the third preference)
1:30-1:45 |
Working Together at Various Stages of Academic Life |
1:45-3:15 |
Parallel Sessions |
Initial Years |
Mid Years |
Later Years |
Ranking |
o1 o2 o3 |
o1 o2 o3 |
o1 o2 o3 |
Please check all of the following retreat events that you will attend
o Monday breakfast |
o Monday lunch |
o Monday music |
o Monday dinner |
o Tuesday breakfast |
Please check your preference for the food
o Beef |
o Pork |
o Chicken |
o Fish |
o Vegetables |
o Pasta |
Breaks |
o Fruits |
o Vegetables |
o Cookies |
o Muffins |
Please list some of the current issues that you would like to see discussed at the Tuesday morning session
Learning & Teaching |
Academic Life (General) |
Institutional |
Student Academic Expectations - Combating grade inflation - Are we challenging our students enough? - Academic Alert Systems - Communicating expectation clearly to students
Curricular Renewal - Liberal Arts- definition, curriculum, integration - Writing Across the Curriculum - Study abroad - Multicultural teaching and learning
Instructional Technology - Using technology in the classroom - Technology for teaching and learning, (who develops plans for selection? Use?) - Electronic Interaction (Blogging/Mailing lists etc.)
Service Learning/Civic Engagement
Student Research
Research - Maintaining a Research Program - Collaborating on research projects, co-teaching and bringing in speakers/ organizing workshops on campus
Outreach - Outreach in a rural environment - Writing grant proposals.
Mentoring - Young faculty mentoring & support - Mentoring Programs
Recruitment/Enrollment- Faculty Recruitment of Students - Enrollment - Student Retention
Appreciating Faculty - Faculty Salaries - Campus Staff Support - What can be done to give everyone more confidence that personnel and salary and budget issues are being decided fairly and rationally? - Tenure requirements and time management
Faculty Role - Strategic Positioning Status - Governance structure of UMM - How can faculty governance be more effective? - Agenda for Faculty Affairs Committee
Communication - How can information be more widely communicated on campus? - Visibility of UMM nationally