Motivation: Case Study, Historical Background, Current Issue or Hypothetical Problem. |
Big Question: Statement of the Problem. |
Learning Objectives: What is it that we hope to accomplish? |
Background: Review, Definitions, Facts & Concepts. |
Learning Activity: Students work on the problem. (May be preceded with a warmup activity.) |
Connections: Students relate to prior ideas while structuring solutions and preparing solutions. |
Reaction & Reflect: Opportunities for students and facilitator to share ideas through mathematical communication, questions, generalizations, and symbolization of ideas, conjectures and formalization of concepts.Identify connections in the real world. |
Ongoing Assessment: Assessments include informal observations, formal assessment of skills and performance based assessments. |
Extensions: Students and facilitators pose new problems or realize new applications as a culmination of the completed activity. |
Motivation: Extension from last concept cycle leads to motivation of the next cycle. |