Different Cultures
All but 17 of the students surveyed felt that they had achieved the Different Cultures objective at least moderately. The median score was 4.00. It also had a mean of 3.88 and standard deviation of 1.01.
Although students did not feel quite as strongly about the importance of the Different Cultures objective, they gave it a mean score of 3.68 (standard deviation was 1.21). This question also had a median score of 4.00.
What were the learning activities that enabled you to achieve the Different Cultures objective?
Anthropology |
13.4% |
Foreign Language |
6.3% |
Sociology |
3.3% |
Education Classes |
3.8% |
Other Classes |
20.5% |
Discussion and Lectures |
7.1% |
Reading and Writing |
13.4% |
Films |
2.9% |
Outside of Class (Socializing and Org.) |
12.1% |
Travel and Study Abroad |
6.7% |
ELTAP and student teaching |
5.0% |
RA,RD,TA and Tutor |
1.7% |
Other |
3.8% |
Anthropology and reading and Writing were two of the top ways students felt that they achieved the Different Cultures objective. They also said that other classes and outside of class helped them a lot.
What were the important things you learned in the process of achieving the Different Cultures objective?
Cultural Similarities and Differences (Open Mind) |
37.7% |
Exposure to Other Cultures |
23.0% |
Ways to Use Different Cultures in Education |
2.1% |
Other |
6.3% |
Blank |
30.9% |
37.7% of the surveyed students felt that they had learned cultural similarities and differences through the Different Cultures objective. 23.0% of them felt that they had gained exposure to other cultures.
Social Institutions
The achievement of the Social Institutions objective received a mean score of 3.58 with a standard deviation of 1.02. It also had a median of 4.00.
Almost half of the students surveyed felt that the Social Institutions objective was only moderately important to their education. This question had a mean score of 3.47, standard deviation of 1.08, and a median of 3.00.
What were the learning activities that enabled you to achieve the Social Institutions objective?
Sociology Classes |
7.1% |
Economics/Management Classes |
9.7% |
Political science Classes |
4.4% |
History Classes |
6.2% |
Other Classes |
16.8% |
Reading |
6.2% |
Lecture/Discussion |
8.8% |
Life and Campus Events |
5.3% |
Other |
4.9% |
Blank |
30.5% |
Most students felt that they achieved the Social Institutions objective through classes. The most frequently stated classes were Sociology and Econmics/Management.
What were the important things that you learned in the process of meeting the Social Institutions objective?
Functions and Processes of Society |
17.4% |
Different Perspectives |
5.8% |
How to Analyze Society |
7.9% |
Dealing with Societies Problems |
2.6% |
Interactions of People |
4.7% |
Knowledge of Subject Matter |
4.7% |
Apathy |
1.1% |
Other |
9.5% |
Blank |
46.3% |
In this table it is important o note that almost half of the students left this question blank. The most frequent answer that they gave was learning the Functions and Processes of Society (17.4%).
Analysis and Interpretation of the Arts
Just over half of all students surveyed said that they had more than moderately achieved the Analysis and Interpretation of the Arts objective. The mean score was 3.59with a standard deviation of 1.08 and median of 4.00.
The answers to the importance of the Analysis and Interpretation of the Arts question were fairly evenly spread with the most answers lying at "moderately important". The mean for this question was 3.15 and the median was 3.00. The standard deviation was 1.33.
What were the learning activities that enabled you to achieve the Analysis and Interpretation of the Arts objective?
Art Classes |
21.7% |
Music Classes |
10.0% |
Choir or Instrument |
5.0% |
Concerts, Art Shows, PAC, etc |
11.7% |
Lectures and discussion |
3.3% |
Dance |
2.1% |
Theater |
1.7% |
English |
7.1% |
Other Classes |
2.1% |
Reading |
1.7% |
Other |
9.6% |
Blank |
24.2% |
The two most frequent answers to how students achieved the Analysis and Interpretation of the Arts objective were Art Classes (21.7%) and Concerts, Art Shows, PAC, etc (11.7%).
What were the important things you learned in the process of meeting the Analysis and Interpretation of the Arts objective?
Importance/Appreciation of the Arts |
18.8% |
Understanding of Art |
10.8% |
Introduction to New Things |
9.1% |
Open Mind |
4.3% |
Own Abilities |
5.4% |
Fun |
2.2% |
Other |
10.8% |
Blank |
38.7% |
The most frequent answer to this question was that students learned the Importance/Appreciation of the Arts (18.8%). Two others were an Understanding of Art (10.8%) and Introduction to New Things (9.1%). It is also important to note that 2.2% said they had fun.
Achievement of the Performance objective has a mode of 5, which was unusual in this survey. The median for this question was 4.00, mean was 3.74,and standard deviation of 1.18.
Students answers to the importance of the Performance objective question were quite evenly spread giving this question the highest standard deviation of all questions regarding the importance of an objective. The mean was 3.09 with a standard deviation of 1.39 and a median of 3.00.
What were the learning activities that enabled you to achieve the Performance objective?
Band or Orchestra |
6.9% |
Instrument Lesson |
20.2% |
Art |
17.0% |
Choir |
9.6% |
Theater |
2.7% |
Dance |
17.0% |
Writing or Poetry |
4.8% |
Other Classes |
2.7% |
Watching Performances |
3.7% |
Practice |
1.6% |
Other |
13.3% |
Blank |
13.8% |
Students felt that they achieved the Performance objective mainly through Instrument Lessons( 20.2%), Art (17.0%), and Dance Classes (17.0%).
What were the important things you learned in the process of meeting the Performance objective?
Skills of Art, Music, writing, etc |
15.4% |
Ways to Express Self |
6.2% |
Fun or Like Performing |
4.1% |
Own Talent |
7.7% |
Appreciation of Others |
6.2% |
Importance of Practice |
3.6% |
Better Performer and Importance of Performing |
4.6% |
Creativity |
2.6% |
Other |
17.0% |
Blank |
33.3% |
The most frequent answer to this question was that students learned artistic skills through the Performance objective. It is also important to note here that 4.1% of them had fun and 7.7& of them learned that they had talents.
Arts and Culture
The achievement of the Arts and Culture objective received a mean score of 3.32. The median was 3.00 and standard deviation was 1.17.
The importance of the arts and Culture question did not score as high as its achievement, although it was not too far behind. It had a mean of 3.03, standard deviation of 1.30, and median of 3.00.
What were the learning activities that enabled you to achieve the Arts and Culture objective?
Attending Performance |
6.5% |
Art and Art History Classes |
18.6% |
Music Classes |
9.8% |
Theater Classes |
2.3% |
English Classes |
4.2% |
Other Classes |
9.8% |
Looking at Different Cultures |
4.7% |
Discussion and Lecture |
3.3% |
Other |
8.4% |
Blank |
32.6% |
Art and Art History classes were the most given replies to how students achieved the Arts and Culture objective. This answer was followed by many other classes such as Music, Theater, English, and others.
What were the important things you learned in the process of meeting the Arts and Culture objective?
The Art of Different Cultures |
10.5% |
Arts Influence on Culture and Vise Versa |
13.1% |
Skills/Knowledge of the Arts |
5.8% |
Diversity |
4.2% |
Appreciation of the Arts |
8.4% |
Other |
11.0% |
Blank |
47.1% |
Almost 50% of the students left this question blank. Of the ones that did answer, the most frequent answer was Arts Influence on Culture and Vise Versa (13.1%). Just behind that answer was learning about The Arts of Different Cultures (10.5%).
The Natural World
The achievement of the Natural world objective question scored quite high. It had a mean of 3.76, standard deviation of 1.02, and median of 4.00.
The Natural World objective was not as important to students as how well the y achieved it. The importance of it had a mean score of 3.51, standard deviation of 1.21, and median of 4.00.
What were the learning activities that enabled you to achieve the objective of the Natural World?
Geology |
14.4% |
Chemistry |
10.7% |
Physics |
3.7% |
Biology |
10.3% |
Psychology |
1.8% |
Other Science Classes |
10.3% |
Other Classes |
5.9% |
Fieldwork and Labs |
14.4% |
Writing and reading |
3.0% |
Discussion and Lectures |
3.3% |
Other |
4.4% |
Blank |
18.5% |
The most frequently given answer to this question were the science classes. These were led by Geology (14.4%), Chemistry (10.7%), and Biology (10.3%). Fieldwork and Labs were also important receiving 14.4% of the responses.
What were the important things you learned in the process of meeting the Natural World objective?
Knowledge of Nature and Wildlife |
9.8% |
Knowledge of Subject Matter |
21.2% |
Analytical thinking and Research Methods |
16.1% |
Importance of Science |
3.6% |
Other |
11.4% |
Blank |
37.8% |
The most frequent answers to this question were the knowledge of the subject matter including nature and wildlife (32.0%) and analytical thinking and research methods (16.1%).
Abstract Systems
The mean score for the Achievement of the Abstract Systems objective was 3.45 with a standard deviation of 1.08. The median was 3.00.
The importance of the Abstract Systems objective received a mean score of 3.39 with a standard deviation of 1.21. The median was 3.00.
What were the learning activities that enabled you to achieve the Abstract Systems objective?
Statistics |
10.2% |
Logic |
7.1% |
Math |
10.6% |
Computer Science |
7.1% |
Education Program |
1.8% |
Calculus |
13.3% |
Other Classes |
11.9% |
Practice and Homework |
4.0% |
Other |
7.1% |
Blank |
27.0% |
Calculus was the most frequent answer to the question of how students achieved the Abstract Systems objective. It was followed closely by Statistics, Logic, and Computer Science.
What were the important things you learned in the process of achieving the Abstract Systems objective?
Abstract/Logical/Critical Thinking |
17.8% |
Math Skills |
15.2% |
Real Life Uses of Math |
5.1% |
Analysis/Research Methods and Deriving Theories |
3.0% |
Patience |
1.5% |
Teaching Methods |
1.5% |
Other |
15.2% |
Blank |
40.6% |
Students felt that they had learned both thinking skills (17.8%) and math skills (15.2%) through the Abstract Systems objective. Once again about 40% of the answers were left blank which is probably due to the length of the survey.
This web page was created by Engin Sungur and Kim Adams