|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|4|3.84|between 0.10 and 0.25 wwww|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|between 0.10 and 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|3|0.498|between 0.10 and 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.498|more than 0.25 ss|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|between 0.05 and 0.10|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|2|3.84|more than 0.25|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|0.498|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.498|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|between 0.10 and 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|3.84|less than 0.05|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|2|0.498|between 0.10 and 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|3|0.498|between 0.05 and 0.10|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|2|39.27|between 0.10 and 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 avaf|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|3.84|between 0.05 and 0.10|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|2|3.84|less than 0.05|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|3.84|less than 0.05 aaa|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 bb|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 rrr|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 sss|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|39.27|between 0.05 and 0.10|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|2|39.27|between 0.10 and 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|3.84|between 0.05 and 0.10|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|39.27|between 0.10 and 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|0.460|between 0.05 and 0.10|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.498|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|3.84|between 0.10 and 0.25 john4195|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|2|0.460|between 0.05 and 0.10|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|4|39.27|less than 0.05 6676|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.498|between 0.10 and 0.25 6676444|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.498|between 0.10 and 0.25 mart1150|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 alde0047|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|between 0.05 and 0.10|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.498|less than 0.05|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.498|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 mein0062|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.498|between 0.05 and 0.10 mart1238|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 alskjdf@lskjdf|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|3|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|3.84|between 0.05 and 0.10|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|2|0.498|less than 0.05 alskjdf@lskjdfd|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|2|0.460|more than 0.25 alskjdf@lskjdfdd|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|4|0.460|more than 0.25 loeh0022|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 alskjdf@lskjddfdd|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.498|less than 0.05|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 FENN|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|less than 0.05 obri0301 naug0026|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.498|between 0.05 and 0.10 oyan0003|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.498|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 darl0031|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 h|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|3|0.498|between 0.10 and 0.25 hh|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|3|0.460|between 0.10 and 0.25|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|0.460|between 0.05 and 0.10|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|less than 0.05|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.460|between 0.10 and 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|2|39.27|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.498|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.498|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|0.498|more than 0.25|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|3.84|less than 0.05|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|less than 0.05|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of adults are the same for the sex of the toddler.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|39.27|less than 0.05|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25 hagg0055|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|3.84|between 0.05 and 0.10|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|39.27|less than 0.05|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|1|3.84|between 0.05 and 0.10|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|39.27|between 0.10 and 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are dependent.|4|3.84|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The distribution of the gender of the toddler is different for the adults who are carrying them.|1|0.460|more than 0.25|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|3.84|less than 0.05|The null hypothesis is that sex of toddler and sex of the adult who is carrying the toddler are independent.|1|39.27|less than 0.05