Section 3.3 Learning Check|<b>Please use the following information for the questions 1-3.</b><br> A public opinion poll in Minnesota wants to determine whether registered voters in the state approve of increasing state education budget. They selected a simple random sample of 20 registered voters from each county in the state and ask whether they approve or disapprove of the measure. For the sample selected 60&KPHHASH37; approve the measure.|Please enter your Full Name:|Your Email Address:|Your ID Number or Password:|The proportion of all voters who approve increase state education budget is # a sample proportion. %% a statistic. %% a parameter. %% an unbiased statistics. %%|60% of approval is a value of # a statistics %% a parameter. %% a sample %% a population. %%|This is an example of # a systematic sample. %% a stratified sample. %% a simple random sample. %% a convenience sample. %%|A study sponsered ny American Express Co., and the French government found that old stereotypes about French unfriendliness weren't true.
The respondents were more than 1,000 Americans who have visited France more than once for pleasure over the past two years.
Thes results of this study are probably # very accurate given the large sample size. %% very inaccurate since the sample is only a fraction of all Americans who have visited France. %% biased, overstating the extend to which the old stereotypes weren't true. %% biased, understating the extent to which the old stereotypes weren't true. %%|The simple random sampling # reduces bias resulting from poorly worded questions. %% offsets bias resulting from undercoverage and nonresponse. %% reduces bias resulting from the behavior of the interviewer. %% none of the above. %%