|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the correlation analysis.|correlation.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variable.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|the correlation analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). tved0014@mrs|the least-squares regression.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variable.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). goem0005|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental. mahlingp|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the presence of a major league baseball team causes the number of divorces to rise (perhaps husbands are spending too much time at the ballpark). mahlingo|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental. mahlingi|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). hopk|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). hopk1|the correlation analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). hopk12|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the correlation analysis.|correlation.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a two-way table analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a two-way table analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|correlation.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a two-way table analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a two-way table analysis.|confounding.|correlation.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|the correlation analysis.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a two-way table analysis.|correlation.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a two-way table analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the correlation analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). mitc0246|a two-way table analysis.|confounding.|common response.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). wood0503|the correlation analysis.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|the correlation analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a two-way table analysis.|common response.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variable.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a two-way table analysis.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|common response.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the correlation analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variable.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|correlation.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|correlation.|common response.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|common response.|the high number of divorces is responsible for the presence of a major league baseball team (more single men means potentially more fans at the ballpark, making it attractive for an owner to relocate to such cities).|the correlation analysis.|common response.|common response.|the high number of divorces is responsible for the presence of a major league baseball team (more single men means potentially more fans at the ballpark, making it attractive for an owner to relocate to such cities).|a two-way table analysis.|common response.|common response.|the high number of divorces is responsible for the presence of a major league baseball team (more single men means potentially more fans at the ballpark, making it attractive for an owner to relocate to such cities).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|common response.|the high number of divorces is responsible for the presence of a major league baseball team (more single men means potentially more fans at the ballpark, making it attractive for an owner to relocate to such cities).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the correlation analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the correlation analysis.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a two-way table analysis.|confounding.|correlation.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|the correlation analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). n|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a two-way table analysis.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). john4195|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|confounding.|correlation.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). loeh0022|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|confounding.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the correlation analysis.|correlation.|correlation.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). turp0007|the correlation analysis.|confounding.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|the correlation analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a two-way table analysis.|correlation.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental. Stew0253|the correlation analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|confounding.|correlation.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). koeh0103|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental. stef0198, cath0012, thom1871|a well-designed experiment.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variable.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|confounding.|common response.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the correlation analysis.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|the correlation analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). popow003|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a two-way table analysis.|correlation.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|confounding.|common response.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|confounding.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variable.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a two-way table analysis.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). foxx0226@|a well-designed experiment.|correlation.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the correlation analysis.|correlation.|common response.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). dsad|a two-way table analysis.|confounding.|confounding.|the high number of divorces is responsible for the presence of a major league baseball team (more single men means potentially more fans at the ballpark, making it attractive for an owner to relocate to such cities). 21sdsdv|the least-squares regression.|confounding.|common response.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). dsadasd|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|correlation.|correlation.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|the correlation analysis.|correlation.|correlation.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a two-way table analysis.|correlation.|correlation.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|correlation.|correlation.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental. JLKJ@YAHOO.COM|the correlation analysis.|common response.|correlation.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|correlation.|confounding.|the presence of a major league baseball team causes the number of divorces to rise (perhaps husbands are spending too much time at the ballpark).|a well-designed experiment.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|common response.|the observed association is purely coincidental. It is plausible to believe the observed association could be anything other than accidental.|a well-designed experiment.|confounding.|common response.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). jenn0117|a well-designed experiment.|confounding.|common response.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). croo0049|a well-designed experiment.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|the least-squares regression.|common response.|confounding.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces).|a well-designed experiment.|confounding.|correlation.|the association is due to common response (major league teams tend to be in large cities with more people and hence a greater number of divorces). i |the least-squares regression.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|common response.|the high number of divorces is responsible for the presence of a major league baseball team (more single men means potentially more fans at the ballpark, making it attractive for an owner to relocate to such cities). U|the correlation analysis.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|common response.|the high number of divorces is responsible for the presence of a major league baseball team (more single men means potentially more fans at the ballpark, making it attractive for an owner to relocate to such cities). I|a two-way table analysis.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|common response.|the high number of divorces is responsible for the presence of a major league baseball team (more single men means potentially more fans at the ballpark, making it attractive for an owner to relocate to such cities). O|a well-designed experiment.|a cause-and-effect relation between the explanatory and response variables.|common response.|the high number of divorces is responsible for the presence of a major league baseball team (more single men means potentially more fans at the ballpark, making it attractive for an owner to relocate to such cities).