Section 2.1 Learning Check||Please enter your Full Name:|Your Email Address:|Your ID Number or Password:|A researcher is interested in determining if one could predict the score on a statistics exam from the homework scores and the amount of time spend studying for the exam. The response variable in this study is # thew amount of time spend studying exam %% homework score %% exam score %% the researcher %%|When creating a scatter plot, one should # use the horizontal axis for the response variable. %% use the vertical axis for the response variable. %% use a plotting scale to make the relation linear. %% use different symbols when explanatory variable is categorical. %%|An instructor wants to predict final exam scores from the midterm exam scores. In this study the explanatory variable, x, is # midterm exam score %% final exam score %% the instructor %% midterm and final exam scores %%|An instructor collected a data on her students midterm and final exams. The results are plotted below.

The scatter plot suggests # there is a positive association between two exam scores. %% there is an outlier. %% there is a positive association and an outlier. %% there is a negative association between the two exam scores. %%