Covariance Matrix, S |
Correlation Matrix, R |
Get eigenvalues (l1, l2, É, lp) and eigenvectors (a1, a2, É, ap) |
Rescale principal components (ai*= li1/2 ai) |
Correlation between ith variable and jth
principal component is aji* |
Choose the number of principal components |
Select a percentage of the total variation that
could be explained (70%-90%) Retain just enough components to attain this
level |
Exclude principal components whose eigenvalues
are less than tr(S)/p (for S) 1 (for R) |
Plot variance of components vs component number
(Scree plot) Select the components based on the ÒelbowÓ in the
curve. |
Produce various plots including principal
component score i vs j, biplots to understand what is going on. |