1 & 2
Step 1. Download husb.text from the web
Step 2. Run R
Step 3. Go to File menu and ÒChange
directoryÓ to the location that you have saved the file
>husb=read.table(Òhusb.txtÓ, header=T)
To see the
variable names and data type
Let us get
some descriptive statistics
(Note that you need variable name not the data file name)
(Note that you need variable name not the data file name)
This will
produce Figure 2.1 (a) which is a simple scatterplot of wifeÕs age versus
husbandÕs age.
Note how
the arguments are entered. The form is plot(x,y), first the explanatory
variable (x), then the response variable (y).
Now, let us
add an y=x line, i.e. any point on this line will imply husbandÕs age=wifeÕs
age. This is the Figure 2.1 (b)
Here the
form is abline(intercept,slope).
If you
would like to add a least squares regression line you need to use
The symbol
Ò~Ó means relationship, Òlm" means linear model.
Next let us
add noise to husbage and wifeage to prevent overlapping. This is called
> plot(jitter(husbage),jitter(wifeage))
This is the
Figure 2.1 (c).
Let us show
the marginal distribution of the variables
>rug(jitter(husbage), side=1)
>rug(jitter(wifeage), side=2)
In this
case side 1 is the horizontal axis, side 2 is the vertical.
Now, we
have the Figure 2.1 (d).
To analyze
the age difference between wife and husband, let us find the age difference
Let plot
husbandÕs age at the first marriage versus the age difference
>plot(agediff, husagefi)
Let us add
a line on which there is no age difference, i.e., agediff=0
> abline(v=0)
Here ÒvÓ is
for vertical ÒhÓ for horizontal.
Now, we
have the Figure 2.2.
To produced
Figure 2.3 (a) and (b):
>plot(husbhei, wifehei)
For Figure
Now, tell
me what is the main thing that you did not like in this example. (My brain was
fighting with my hands when I was preparing this handout.)
Labeling the Scatterplot
with Row Names
species |
bodywt |
brainwt |
PotarMonkey |
10.0 |
115 |
Gorilla |
207.0 |
406 |
Human |
62.0 |
1320 |
RhesusMonkey |
6.8 |
179 |
Chip |
52.2 |
440 |
Step 1. Run R
Step 2. Go to File menu and ÒChange
directoryÓ to the location that you have saved the file
>primates=read.table(Òprimates.txtÓ, header=T)
>plot(bodywt, brainwt)
>text(x=bodywt, y=brainwt, labels=row.names(primates))
From Bivariate to
To produce
a scatterplot matrix you can either use
To smooth
the data
> plot(husb, lower.panel=panel.smooth)
To produce
a conditional scatterplot of wifeage versus husbage given the husbhei use
To smooth
the coplot by using lowess
> coplot(wifeage~husbage|husbhei, panel=panel.smooth)
Quantile-Quantile Plots
(Normal Plots)
To produce
a normal plot use
To add a
> qqline(husbage)