Foreign Language To what extent have you achieved the learning objective of Foreign Language? Students did not feel quite as positive about the Foreign Language objective as they did the previous objectives. They gave this question a median score of 3.00, median of 3.03, and 1.24. This was the lowest mean and highest standard deviation answers given. How important was the objective of Foreign Language to your education? As in the previous question, students did not feel that the Foreign Language requirement was very important to their education. In fact, almost 25% of them said that it was not at all important giving this objective the lowest importance rating of all objectives. The mean score for this question was 2.66with a standard deviation of 1.34. The median was 3.00. What were the learning activities that enabled you to achieve the Computing requirement? Computer Science Class 23.8% Not Computer Science Class 11.1% Other Classes 13.0% On Own 9.3% E-mail and Internet Use 19.0% Writing Papers/word Processing 5.2% Internship or Job 3.3% Other 5.6% Blank 9.7% About 11%of the studentsŐ answers stated outright that the Computer Science classes did not help them to achieve this objective. The two things that helped them most were Computer Science Class (23.%) and E-mail and Internet Use (19.0%). What were the important things you learned in the process of meeting the Computing objective? Knowledge of Computers and Computer Programming 13.0% How to Use Programs 12.5% Changes in and the Importance of Technology 10.2% E-mail 5.6% Internet Use 8.3% Classroom Uses of Computers 3.2% Applications to the Real World 2.3% Other 18.1% Blank 26.9% The answers to this question were quite spread out and diverse. Knowledge of Computers and Computer Programming (13.0%) and How to use Programs (12.5%) were the top two responses. The Self To what extent have you achieved the learning objective of The Self? Students felt that they had achieved the objective of the Self with a mean score of 3.72 (standard deviation was 1.10). The median was 4.00. How important was the objective of the Self to your education? Only 8% of students felt that the objective of the Self was not important to their education. They gave this question a mean score of 3.54, standard deviation of1.18, and a mean of 4.00. What were the learning activities that enabled you to achieve the Computing requirement? Computer Science Class 23.8% Not Computer Science Class 11.1% Other Classes 13.0% On Own 9.3% E-mail and Internet Use 19.0% Writing Papers/word Processing 5.2% Internship or Job 3.3% Other 5.6% Blank 9.7% About 11%of the studentsŐ answers stated outright that the Computer Science classes did not help them to achieve this objective. The two things that helped them most were Computer Science Class (23.%) and E-mail and Internet Use (19.0%). What were the important things you learned in the process of meeting the Computing objective? Knowledge of Computers and Computer Programming 13.0% How to Use Programs 12.5% Changes in and the Importance of Technology 10.2% E-mail 5.6% Internet Use 8.3% Classroom Uses of Computers 3.2% Applications to the Real World 2.3% Other 18.1% Blank 26.9% The answers to this question were quite spread out and diverse. Knowledge of Computers and Computer Programming (13.0%) and How to use Programs (12.5%) were the top two responses. Historical Perspectives To what extent have you achieved the learning objective of Historical Perspectives? 3.57 was the mean score for this question with a standard deviation of 0.93. The median was 3.00. How important was the objective of Historical Perspectives to your education? The Historical Perspectives objective was moderately important to the seniors. They gave it a mean score of 3.33, standard deviation of 1.07, and median of 3.00. What were the learning objectives that enabled you to achieve the Historical Perspectives objective? History Classes 29.8% Other Courses 16.8% Lecture/discussion 11.8% Reading and Writing 10.1% Campus Events 1.3% Other Coursework and Projects 1.7% Other 5.1% Blank 23.5% Almost one-third of the students replied that they achieved the Historical Perspectives objective through some type of History class. 16.8% of them said that it was some other type of class. The other two categories that scored fairly high were Lecture/discussion (11.8%) and Reading and Writing (10.1%). What were the important things you learned in the process of meeting the Historical Perspectives objective? Knowledge and Understanding of History 25.4% Understanding of the Present and the Future 10.7% Cultural Similarities and Differences 9.6% Learn From Past 4.1% History Repeats Itself 4.1% Not Much/Not Applicable 2.0% Other 6.6% Blank 37.6% Knowledge and Understanding of History was the most frequent answer to this question (25.4%). The other two answers that were fairly frequent were Understanding of the Present and Future (10.7%) and Cultural Similarities and Differences (9.6%).