In every issue that we face with we have some prior belief/opinion.
When we receive enough information/evidence we revisit our prior
belief/opinion. Based on the strength of information/evidence
we may collect, we either change of prior belief/opinion or preserve
our prior opinion by saying that "there is not enough
provided to me to change my prior belief/opinion.
Now, we will play a game. We will toss a coin, if it turns out
a head, let us say I will win, if it turns out a tail you will
win. Is this a "fair" game?
To understand the logic behind the test of hypothesis, to see
how people reject hypothesis upon observing data that are unlikely
to arise if the hypothesis is true. And, to grasp the meaning
of P-value in the test of hypothesis.
a. To warm-up click on the "toss a coin" button on the left window to toss the coin. Toss the coin 10 times. If the coin goes outside of your screen click on the "refresh left side" button and continue.
Now, you met with the coin that we are going to play our game.
b. Click on the "play" button, to start the game.
Click on the "toss the coin" button on the left window and fill
out the rows of the following table at the end of each toss by recording
the result(head or tail), cumulative number of heads, proportion
of heads(cumulative heads/total number of tosses). Be sure to
record your reaction after each repetition on the last column
by referring what conclusions you feel you can draw regarding
the question "Is the game fair?" and how sure you feel
about the answer. (If the coin goes outside of your screen click
on the "refresh left side" button and continue.)