Probability Theory

Probability Theory


U.S. Census BureauGeostat: County and City Data BooksGallup Poll Web Site DATA SETS
Bayesian Balls

Use the Bayes Theorem to find the probability of picking the same color ball from a container with two different colors in three trials (pick a ball, and then return it).

Meetings and Birthdays

Meeting problem (similar to the birthday problem) for a group of people to meet in a time period.

The Shape of Coincidence

Describes the shape of coincidence that can be formed for the probability of four independent discrete events occurring during the same time interval.

Karen E. Ball
Survey Design for Calling Amphibians

Description: Gives different models of survey sampling and tells why survey sampling is important.

Statistics Debate

Description: Gives examples on how statistics is used in society.

Francis Galton

Description: Brief description of Galton's life and his contribution to society.

David Allen Berntson
NFL Scores and Pointspreads

An article by Robin H. Lock about NFL scores and Pointspreads.

Experiences in Authentic Assessment Techniques

An article by Beth L. Chance about the University of Pacific's goals, experiences, and strategies with assessment technigues in a Introductory Statistics Course.

Fitting Percentage of Body Fat to Simple Body Measurements

An article by Roger W. Johnson that uses multiple regression to relate the percentage of a person's body fat with the person's simple body measurements.

Katie Marie Caron
Electronic Journal of Probability

Electronic Journal of Probability and Electronic Communications in Probability -- Various journals and interesting images. Site is affiliated with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

The Probability Web

The Probability Web -- A collection of web pages meant to serve people with interests in probability theory and its applications.

Statistics for Engineers

Introduction to Probability Theory -- Part of a "Statistics for Engineers" course with introductory definitions, theorems, and examples.

Jason A. Corley
http://http://http:// Bill E. Doering
Probability Theory as Extended Logic

This is a compilation of information(papers, etc.) on probability theory as Extended Logic.

American Statistical Association Home Page

American Statistical Association web page contains lists of materials, resources, and other information dealing with statistics and probability.

International Association for Statistical Computing

International Association for Statistical Computing. This site has many links to resources(books, software, etc.) for statistical and probability topics.

Joseph C. Eiler
Milestones in the History of Probability

Some milestones in the History of Probability.


Comprehensive online encyclopedia of mathematical equations relating to stochastic processes.

Statistics, Probability Theory, and Operations Research

Deft University of Technology. This site lists the faculty working ar S.S.O.R. and they have information available in seminars/publications

Jessica Marie Englin
Math Pages

Contains articles of many mathematical topics which can also bring a person to many other links

Virtual Laboratories in Statistics

Gives links to different areas of math. Probability is included.

Research Publications

Gives some sources in which one can look up some information in books

Brian J. Friedrichs
Law of Total Probability and Bayes' Rule

This site displays multiple formulas for Bayes' Rule, with listings for the prior odds for and against, as well as the posterior of the same.

Bayes Rule and Bayesian Probability

This site uses an illustrate how a Bayesian network calculates probabilities of hypotheses from a simple example.

Bayes' Rule and Decision Trees

This site displays how you can use Bayes' Rule to update probabilities along a decision tree using prior given probabilities.

Keith C. Gadacz
Applied Probability and Stochastic Processess

Lecture notes from an Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes as taught by Wodzimierz Bryc Department of Mathematics University of Cincinnati

Stochastic Analysis Digest

The Stochastic Analysis Digest provides an open forum for discussion of stochastic analysis as well as being a source of information for upcoming conferences etc...

Mathematical Sciences Research Institute

Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, California.

Brent A. Heeringa
Statistics Jokes

GARY C. RAMSEYER'S FIRST INTERNET GALLERY OF STATISTICS JOKES. "A Bayesian is one who, vaguely expecting a horse, and catching a glimpse of a donkey, strongly believes he has seen a mule."

JavaStat--Bayes Theorem

Instructional demonstration of Bayes' theorem. "Bayes' Theorem provides a way to apply quantitative reasoning to what we normally think of as "the scientific method". When several alternative hypotheses are competing for our belief, we test them by deducing consequences of each one..."


HyperStat Online is an introductory-level hypertext statistics book. Feel free to link to any portion of HyperStat Online from your web site. I hope you find HyperStat Online useful.

Christopher M. Hoehn
http://http://http:// Christopher S. Hoffman
Statistical Mechanics

A tutorial on Statistical Mechanics by Gerald J. Milburn. It has three chapters, the first two of which are about stochastic processes and Markov processes, and the last of which concerns Stochastic Differential Equations.

StatLab Heidelberg

A collection of papers on statistics and probability from the StatLab at the University of Heidelberg

Introduction to Probability Theory

An entire textbook on probability available online (uses Adobe PDF format.

Nicholas J. Hopper
http://http://http:// James R. Johnson
Georges Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon

Interesting probability experiment

Andrey Nikolayevich Kolmogorov

Kolmogorov was one of the developers of the probability theory.

Take a Chance

Dozens of probability applications.

Joy M. Johnson
Constitutive Relations

The usage of probability and stochastic models to account for the inherent spatial variability in soil properties

Stochastic Optimization Methods in Engineering

The Fedearl Armed Forces University in Munich: Aero-Space Engineering and Technology.

Since ceratin allowable stresses, manufacturing errors and cost factors are not known in the planning stage of building, engineers use random variables with a certain probability distribution to make a mathematical model. This gives them a framework to work within.

Statistical Analysis of Natural Resource Data

The homepage of SAND: Statistical Analysis of Natural Resource Data.

Debra S. Kielhold
Probabilities in Poker

Probabilities for draw poker and how to compute them

Minnesota State Lottery Odds

Shows how to calculate odds for the Gopher 5, Daily Millions, and Powerball

Minnesota State Lottery Number Games

Have the odds figured out for each possibility. I think they did it wrong, check it out.

Joshua A. Majsterski
Executive Perspectives

A list of statistical resources on the WWW

Stochastic Networks Web

A collection of pages relating to stochastic networks & their applications

Allstat Statistical Mailing List

An e-mail broadcast system for the statistical community

Jason Keith Mitchell
Weather Forecasting

A proof of a weather probability expression done by induction.

Fire Probability

A problem of the effect that fire has on forests.

Rolling a Die

Another fun die rolling problem but with a twist--the probability that player A will win when two players take turns rolling the die and the loser is the first player NOT to roll a higher number than the previous roll.

Deanne Nordberg
Take a Walk on the Boardwalk

Relates the Markov Chain theory to the game of Monopoly

Probability Abstract Service

Has many abstracts of articles about probability and stochastic equations, a link to some problems

Career Profiles

Career profiles of many people in mathematics. What to do with your degree

Trina Marie Pierce
Royal Statistical Society

The Royal Statistical Society (RSS) is an organization for both academics and professionals who use statistics for any reason. Meetings, conferences, publications, and other services are provided by the RSS.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) collects, processes, and analyzes labor and economic statistics for the U.S. public. The BLS serves as a statistical resource to the Department of Labor.

US Census Bureau Home Page

The U.S. Census Bureau collects a myriad of surveys and statistical data, going far beyond simple population and employment tabulations. The Census Bureau is a child agency of the Department of Commerce.

Nathan Derrek Ryan

A link to government agencies and their statistics on the US

Case Studies

The use of statistics in various case studies

The Chance Database

Contains materials to help teach about chance and probability

Matthew J. Soukup ~helberg/statistics.html#lists

This site gives some good applications of statisticas methods, along with some short descriptions of some of the methods.

The Statistics Home Page

This site discusses some of the elementary concipts to statistics, along with some more in-depth descriptions of various statistical applications.

Chance News

This site provides a list of articles that report how statistics and probability relate to everyday life. Some examples on the page are: weather fluctuations, baseball no-hitters, IQ debate, and Alzheimer's disease statistics.

Jessica J. Stoering
The Applied Probability Trust

This site talks about the Journal of applied Probability and Advances in Applied Probability. It gives a brief description of the two and gives lists of upcomming topics.

Virtual Laboratories in Statistics

A random experiment is the basis of probablility theory and within this site there are two experiments given.

Calculus and Probability

Calculus applied to statistics and probability for buisness and liberal arts majors

Tara Sugden
A Bayesian Puzzler

This site contains a two envelope problem, which is a Bayesian Puzzler.

Probability and Statistics

This site contains many problems related with probability and statistics such as Random Triangles and Bayesian Balls.

Combining Proabilities

This is a problem about combining probabilities. Mark wants to find the probability that he will receive a reply to his post. He knows Ms. Smith is correct 75% of the time, and Mr. Jones is correct 60% of the time. Ms. Smith says he will not receive a reply, but Mr. Jones says he will receive a reply. Mark wants to know what the ultimate probability is that he will receive a reply. The problem goes on to explain how this can be solved.

Miranda J. Swanson
http://http://http:// Joshua David Troseth
Poisson Probability Calculator

A Poisson probability calculator

The Poisson Distribution and Queues

Questions and answers on Poisson distribution

Probabilities in the game of Monopoly

Some helpful probabilities That will increase your chances of winning the game of monopoly

James D. Welter
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles

Various mathematical problems on probability, including the three-door problem.

Probability of Being Struck by Lightning

A probability problem about being struck by lightning.

What Do You Expect?

Probability problems and other games you can play to aid in probability learning

Bryan L. Wuertz
http://http://http:// Fue Yang
The Bernoulli Society

Devoted to the advancement of the sciences of probability(including the theory of stochastic processes) and mathematical statistics and applications.

Institute of Mathematical Statistics

The IMS Bulletin publishes the IMS Meeting's programs and abstracts, an international calendar of statistical events, and articles and news of interest to statisticians and probablists in general

Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics

This site provides interactive, web-based modules for students and teachers of probability and statistics.

Scott A. Zick